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Friday 13 September - Flu Vaccination Programme: Register for your Free Flu Vaccination Voucher

As part of our health and wellbeing strategy, and in partnership with Boots pharmacy, we are offering staff a free flu vaccination voucher. There are still vouchers available, and if you would like to take up this offer, email byFriday 27 September with the following information:

  • your name
  • SAP number
  • the Service you work for
  • the email address you want the voucher to be sent to

Following your registration, Boots will send you an email with the voucher and instructions on how to book your appointment on a date/time that suits you. The voucher expires on Saturday 30 November 2024, so you need to ensure you have booked your appointment before this date.

The email address you provide will only be used to send you a vaccination voucher. Your details will not be used for any other reason. If you supply a personal email address, you are consenting to Glasgow City Council and Boots the Chemist Ltd contacting you only for the purposes of this flu vaccination offer. Glasgow City Council and Boots the Chemist Ltd will not retain your personal email information.

Some groups of people can obtain their flu vaccination free on the NHS. To find out if you are eligible for this, please go to the NHS Inform website.Please note eligibility for the Scottish Government winter flu programme is different to the 2023 programme and those aged 50-64 will not automatically receive a free flu vaccination through the NHS this year.

If you do not receive the link to access your voucher from Boots by Friday 4 October 2024, please email

Key dates

  • Friday 27 September 2024: send all the relevant information to CBS to register and request a vaccination voucher.
  • Friday 4 October 2024: contact CBS if you have not received the link to access your voucher.
  • Saturday 30 November 2024: ensure you have made an appointment for the vaccination before this date.



Tuesday 10 September - World Suicide Prevention Day - Let's Talk

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day - the chance for organisations and communities around the world to come together to raise awareness and campaign for better suicide prevention.

1 in 5 of us will experience suicidal thoughts at some point in our lives. But a recent poll found that only 45% people feel comfortable talking to family and friends about suicidal thoughts, compared to 74% who feel comfortable talking about mental health.*

By getting everyone talking more openly about suicide, we can give people the chance to express how they feel and get the support they need - it could even safe a life.

Join us in standing with @samaritanscharity this #WorldSuicidePreventionDay and together let'shelp ditchthe stigma and talk about it - as suicidal thoughts are far more common than most people know.

Starting the conversation

We know how hard it can be to find the right words to talk openly about how we're feeling. But when someone is dealing with difficult thoughts or worries - having someone there to listen can make a real difference.

You don't have to be an expert, just being there to listen and showing you care can help someone work through what's troubling them. There are top tips on how to start a conversation, in a quiet safe space, with someone you may be worried about, on the Samaritans website with their 'Finding a way to say it' information sheets. For example, by using open questions that need more than a yes and no answer such as "how do you feel?".

You can read more about how to find a way to say it on the charity's website at


You can also join in today's lunchtime online webinar (1pm to 1.30pm) with PAM Wellness on'suicide awareness and prevention: breaking silence and building support' - login details are on our Join us - staff training and events - Glasgow City Council (

Do you need help right now?

Remember, you're not alone - if you need to talk to someone right now you can:

  • contact our Employee Assistance Provider, PAM Assist free on: 0800 247 1100, Webchat:, email:
  • call the Samaritans free on 116 123 (available 24/7), or click the link to find out other ways of getting in touch.
  • call Breathing Space free on 0800 83 85 87 (6pm to 2am on weekdays, 24 hours at the weekends).

* Opinium survey conducted between 9-13 February 2024, with a nationally representative sample of 2,001 UK adults. - source Samaritans


Thursday 5 September - Don't forget to register for free flu vaccination voucher before Tuesday 10 September

As part of our health and wellbeing strategy, and in partnership with Boots pharmacy, we are offering staff a free flu vaccination voucher. If you would like to receive a voucher, please register by Tuesday 10 September 2024

To request your voucher 

Email with the following information:

  • your name
  • SAP number
  • the Service you work for
  • the email address you want the voucher to be sent to

Following your registration, Boots will send you an email with the voucher and instructions on how to book your appointment on a date/time that suits you. The voucher expires on Saturday 30 November 2024, so you need to ensure you have booked your appointment before this date.

The email address you provide will only be used to send you a vaccination voucher. Your details will not be used for any other reason. If you supply a personal email address, you are consenting to Glasgow City Council and Boots the Chemist Ltd contacting you only for the purposes of this flu vaccination offer. Glasgow City Council and Boots the Chemist Ltd will not retain your personal email information.

Some groups of people can obtain their flu vaccination free on the NHS. To find out if you are eligible for this, please go to the NHS Inform website. Please note eligibility for the Scottish Government winter flu programme is different to the 2023 programme and those aged 50-64 will not automatically receive a free flu vaccination through the NHS this year.

If you do not receive the link to access your voucher from Boots by Friday 4 October 2024, please email

Key dates

  • Tuesday 10 September 2024: send all the relevant information to CBS to register and request a vaccination voucher.
  • Friday 4 October 2024: contact CBS if you have not received the link to access your voucher.
  • Saturday 30 November 2024: ensure you have made an appointment for the vaccination before this date.

This message was approved for distribution by Jennifer McMartin, Strategic HR Manager

Tuesday 3 September - Hear an update from Stephen Sawers, Head of Catering and FM

Tuesday 3 September - Message from Chief Executive: Update on Job Evaluation and Pay and Grading Structure


I want to provide you with an update on job evaluation and the latest plans for a new pay and grading structure.


The main messages for you in this communication can be summarised as:


  • Job Evaluation information on Primary Benchmark jobs is being shared with the joint Operational Steering Group. This is a very important and positive step in the programme.
  • Council and Trade Unions agree that the implementation date previously targeted must be revised to ensure we get the new arrangements right.
  • This will mean that your pay will not be changing in February 2025 as previously indicated.
  • We want to be sure that we have high confidence before confirming a revised target date - we will do this as quickly as we can and keep you updated at every stage.
  • When we finalise the pay and grading structure, we will tell you what this will mean for you.  At that stage we will confirm
    • Whether you are due any backdated pay. This will apply from October 2023.
    • Whether you will be due any elements of pay protection and what this means for you.
  • The council and the Trade Unions are committed to completing this work as soon as possible and ensuring we pay equally for work of equal value. 

As we all know, job evaluation is the foundation for our future pay and grading structure (PGS) and the way we meet our aim to make sure we pay equally for work of equal value. The council and Trade Unions are committed to achieving this aim with all possible haste and integrity.  

Our colleagues in the Job Evaluation Team, which includes nominees from the three recognised Trade Unions, have been working to finalise the evaluation of Primary Benchmark jobs - these are the most common jobs in the council family, covering around 80% of employees in scope. The scale of this task is significant and work continues to evaluate Secondary Benchmark and Unique roles.

We can now confirm that the initial information on the evaluations of Primary Benchmark jobs will be provided to the JE Operational Steering Group (OSG - a joint forum of TU Reps and Service/ALEO management). This will allow consultation to start in earnest between Trade Unions and the council on the new PGS, following a period of dialogue at the OSG. 

Delivering the Primary Benchmark information is a key milestone on our route to a new Pay and Grading Structure, but regrettably we have not met our planned timescale. This means that we will need to revise our date for the implementation of the new pay and grading structure which cannot now take place in February 2025. 

The council, Trade Union colleagues and our Independent Technical Advisor all understand the need to amend the implementation date and agree that it is essential. This is due to the scale and complexity of the work required and to ensure the integrity of the process and outcomes. 

I want to be very open with you about the challenges we face in setting a new implementation date at this point. We have started evaluations of Secondary and Unique roles but at this stage it is it is only possible to estimate the timescales for completion; we must allow sufficient time for Trade Union consultation and give us all the best chance of reaching an agreement on the new arrangements.     

Progress depends on efforts and input from everyone involved, including employees, service management, Trade Union colleagues and the Programme Team. We will work closely with Trade Union colleagues to ensure revised detailed plans include their input and we will update you on progress at each milestone stage.

May I reassure you as previously communicated, when we finalise the council's proposed pay and grading structure, we will tell you what this will mean for you, on an individual basis and confirm any elements of pay protection and back dating of pay, to the effective date of 15 October 2023, which are appropriate to you.

I know that this could be an unsettling period for you, but I want to stress that this delay is necessary to meet our commitment to paying everyone equally for equal work - everyone is committed to moving this forward and I will let you know as soon as possible when we can confirm timescales for delivery. Spending appropriate time on evaluating jobs through consistent and thorough job evaluation, in consultation with trade unions, is an essential part of meeting this commitment. 

More information

There are frequently asked questions on the website here, if you have questions, you can email me at Ask Susanne and I will make sure these are considered. Remember, we can't answer questions about individual outcomes yet, as we're not at this stage.


Susanne Millar

Chief Executive


Monday 2 September - Mobile cleaning teams, applications wanted

As you may know we are in the process of recruiting for two mobile cleaning teams across the city. These posts were advertised over the summer. However, we appreciate people are busy with Schools returning and with this in mind have decided to accept late applications.

It's also recognised that more information may be required for you to decide whether to apply or not. Therefore, we have set up a telephone number for you to call to get more information on this opportunity.

To find out more and to make an informed decision on whether to apply you can call 0141 353 9093, leaving your name and number and a member of our team will call you back and answer any questions you might have. Following this, if you are interested, we will accept late applications - although the advert closes on Monday 9 September.

Stephen Sawers, Head of Catering and FM 


Wednesday 28 - August - Supporting one another at this current time

Glasgow is a proud, diverse and above all welcoming city and as an organisation these are core values that we reinforce through our commitment to promote a positive and inclusive workplace. We want all our staff to feel safe, respected, valued and supported.

Susanne Millar, Chief Executive wrote to all staff earlier in the month to reassure you there is no heightened risk in Glasgow to suggest that we will experience any disorder from anti-immigrant protests - as seen recently in other parts of the UK. Susanne has been in regular contact with Police Scotland's Divisional Commander, since the start of trouble in other areas of the UK, and they will advise us if there is any intelligence to suggest a change to this locally and we will share information with staff as quickly as possible. 

We understand that some of you may be feeling more anxious than normal - and even scared at times with what has been happening. Whilst you may not be directly involved, watching these events can trigger memories or feelings and can be traumatic and disturbing for you. This can have an impact on your mental wellbeing. We also know that some staff may also be concerned about travelling to work or whilst at work.

We want you to know that at times like this we are keen to support you. Please be assured that your welfare is very important to us, and we fully appreciate that it is through you, that we can continue to deliver the vital services our citizens depend upon.

The following provides some key information on support routes, events/information and top tips to help your wellbeing at this time.


As colleagues we can all support one another.

  • Take time to look out for your colleagues who may need a little extra support and feel vulnerable at this time.
  • Perhaps take time to connect over a coffee in your lunch break or check in on Teams for a chat.
  • Reaching out to your colleagues to show support will help them to feel valued and heard and help them open up about how they are feeling - whatever the circumstances.

Reach out for support if you need to talk to someone

  • Speak to your manager about any issues or concerns that you have - they can help identify the right support routes for you.
  • You can also contact our Employee Assistance Provider in complete confidence, 24/7 about anything that is playing on your mind - freephone 0800 042 0135.
  • Connect with our staff networks for a safe space to chat to colleagues who may be feeling the same way as you - such as our BME or PRISM. You could attend the forthcoming BME events shown below.
  • Talk to a trade union representative.

BME and Police Scotland Events

  • Our BME Network have set up two sessions on Teams with Police Scotland next month to chat about current issues and concerns that you may have. These take place on Wednesday 4 September and 18 September - if you would like to attend please ask your manager for the login details.

Our core policies

  • Our employment policies are there to help protect and support you - Bullying and Harassment and our Violence at work - unacceptable actions
  • Take time to re-familiarise yourself with these and understand that we are committed to providing a safe and secure place for you to work and harassment, bullying or victimisation of any kind are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Hate Crime


  • Please be aware of how members of your team may be feeling at this time.
  • Consider how staff may be feeling vulnerable during the working day and when commuting.
  • Please offer support routes and solutions to support their concerns - such as attending an external meeting with a colleague and not alone.

Be kind to yourself

  • If you are feeling anxious - take time to do things that you enjoy to help your mental wellbeing.
  • For example, going for a walk to connect with nature, spending time with a loved one or even getting a good rest to recharge your energy levels.
  • Our workforce wellbeing page has lots of dedicated health and wellbeing support routes and information.


  • With over 60% of our workforce living in Glasgow we also have a dedicated page on our website to signpost, advise and guide our citizens looking for additional support at
  • This webpage provides key information for our citizens and direct support links to key organisations in times of need.

Whatever the situation is that makes us feel anxious - understand that we are all in this together to support one another, and there are many support routes open to you. 

Read our staff wellbeing handbook at

Wednesday 21 August - Flu Vaccination Programme: Register for your Free Flu Vaccination Voucher 

As part of our health and wellbeing strategy, and in partnership with Boots pharmacy, we are offering staff a free flu vaccination voucher. If you would like to receive a voucher, please register by Tuesday 10 September 2024

To request your voucher 

Email with the following information:

  • your name
  • SAP number
  • the Service you work for
  • the email address you want the voucher to be sent to

Following your registration, Boots will send you an email with the voucher and instructions on how to book your appointment on a date/time that suits you. The voucher expires on Saturday 30 November 2024, so you need to ensure you have booked your appointment before this date.

The email address you provide will only be used to send you a vaccination voucher. Your details will not be used for any other reason. If you supply a personal email address, you are consenting to Glasgow City Council and Boots the Chemist Ltd contacting you only for the purposes of this flu vaccination offer. Glasgow City Council and Boots the Chemist Ltd will not retain your personal email information.

Some groups of people can obtain their flu vaccination free on the NHS. To find out if you are eligible for this, please go to the NHS Inform website. Please note eligibility for the Scottish Government winter flu programme is different to the 2023 programme and those aged 50-64 will not automatically receive a free flu vaccination through the NHS this year.

If you do not receive the link to access your voucher from Boots by Friday 4 October 2024, please email

Key dates

  • Tuesday 10 September 2024: send all the relevant information to CBS to register and request a vaccination voucher.
  • Friday 4 October 2024: contact CBS if you have not received the link to access your voucher.
  • Saturday 30 November 2024: ensure you have made an appointment for the vaccination before this date.

This message was approved for distribution by Jennifer McMartin, Strategic HR Manager

Friday 16 August - Catering and FM Update

As we now come to the end of the summer period, I hope you all had a chance to have a break and spend time with friends and family and welcome back to those of you on term time contracts. Over the coming months I am sure you will all continue to deliver the high quality of service across the many functions we perform for Glasgow.

I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update.

Mobile Cleaning teams - applications welcome

You may recall we were introducing a pilot for mobile cleaning teams across the city. These posts were advertised over the summer, however, I recognise this may also be an opportunity for our existing staff, so we have extended the closing date for the advert so you can have the opportunity to apply for these posts.

The updated advert is now live and closes on Sunday 25 August 2024. I would encourage you to look at the advert and find out more about the role. If you have any questions, please speak to your Area Manager and they will assist you. You can find the link to the advert here

Job Evaluation - volunteers required

Job evaluation will support the development of a rank order of jobs, laying the foundation for a new pay and grading scheme. It is important Catering and FM continues to support the job evaluation process.

I am grateful to everyone who has already participated in this process. As we move into Unique posts, we continue to look for volunteers. As a reminder a Unique post is where there are five or less people in that role. Your Area Manager will let you know if you are a unique post holder and provide you with further details.

As always, this process is voluntary and if you would like to participate as a unique post holder there is a questionnaire you should complete. The deadline for doing this is Friday 23 August 2024and I would encourage you to participate.


We have been working closely with our suppliers to introduce a phased rollout of new uniforms, your patience with this is much appreciated as we work through this, we will get these to you in due course. If you have any issues with your uniform when you receive it, please speak to your manager.

Finally, on behalf of the Senior Management team I want to thank you all for the work you do, and I will speak to you all soon.

Stephen Sawers, Head of Catering and FM 

Tuesday 13 August - Updated COSLA pay offer for Scottish Joint Council (SJC) staff - 2024 to 2025

On Friday 9 August, following a special meeting of council Leaders, COSLA made an increased formal SJC pay offer to the trade unions.

  • This new updated pay offer is from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 and is for an increase of £0.67 in the hourly rate or 3.6% whichever is higher.
  • Working Context Demand and Non-Standard Work Pattern payments would also increase by 3.6%.

The table below shows the current rates of pay alongside the proposed rates of this updated pay offer.  

Grade one employees

Please note that the increase in rate for Grade 1 employees incorporates the Real Living Wage increase (up to £12 per hour) which was applied in advance from 1 April 2024.

Updated Pay and Grading offer 2024


Message from Chief Executive regarding anti-immigrant protests in Glasgow

You may have seen social media reports to the effect that there are plans to hold anti-immigrant protests in Glasgow today. I know that these reports may have caused you some concern.

Since the outbreak of trouble in other parts of the UK last week I have been in more than daily contact with Police Scotland's Divisional Commander. There has also been regular contact and close working with the city centre team in NRS, the council's resilience team and the council's communication team. Ensuring that you are safe to go about your vital work for the city is my top priority.

In respect of the social media activity, you may have seen today Police Scotland have released the following statement:

"We are aware of speculation circulating about a protest in George Square, Glasgow, today. There is no intelligence to suggest any protest is planned. Please be wary of what you read on social media and avoid speculation and sharing information which may be inaccurate".

Obviously this is a fast-moving situation but I hope this will reassure you that we are able to go about our normal business today.

If the situation changes in the coming days in a way that will have an impact on you, we will communicate with you as quickly as possible.

Susanne Millar
Chief Executive

Updated COSLA pay offer for staff - 2024 to 2025

Yesterday, COSLA (the umbrella body that represents Scottish councils and trades unions) made a new pay offer to the Scottish Joint Council trade unions for all council employees.

This new pay offer proposes a 3.2% increase across all grades and pay points and covers the current financial year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

COSLA have indicated that this offer is:

  • worth more than the first year of the Scottish Government's current Public Sector Pay Policy
  • higher than current inflation (CPI)
  • at the very limit of affordability for councils in the current challenging financial circumstances 
  • is a strong, fair and credible pay offer, reflecting the high value council Leaders place on the Local Government workforce and the invaluable work they do every day serving communities across Scotland.  

COSLA has asked Trades Unions to consult their members on the new offer.

What would this offer mean for Glasgow City Council staff?

The table below shows the current rates of pay alongside the proposed rates as part of this pay offer.  



Thursday 20 June

End of pilot for new absence procedure and reporting telephone line - revert back to business-as-usual absence reporting procedures from Thursday 27 June 2024.

On Monday 18 March, we started piloting a dedicated absence reporting telephone line for some groups of grade 1 staff - this line was for staff to report their short-term absence from work due to ill health, instead of contacting their line manager or work location.

Following a review of the pilot and feedback from managers and staff it has been decided not to extend the pilot and to revert back to business-as-usual absence reporting procedures for all staff. 

If you were in the group of staff who were part of the pilot, starting from Thursday 27 June 2024 you will no longer call the absence reporting line to report your absence from work due to ill health - you will go back to contacting your line manager.

As a reminder you should contact your manager to:

  • report your first day of absence from work due to ill health.
  • report the fourth or seventh day of your absence.
  • And if you continue to be absent after seven days or are long term absent (absent for 20 or more days) you should maintain regular contact with your manager every seventh day.

You can find more information about health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Wednesday 29 May

Reminder about confidential mental health support from Able Futures - places available

Is something playing on your mind?

If you're worried about something or are feeling low, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Futures, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 13 June, between 8am and 5.30pm.

Able Futures offer nine months of free, confidential support from a qualified mental health professional on a one-to-one basis over the phone, by email, or video call at a time to suit you.

There are no waiting lists. Help is available now with issues such as anxiety, depression, bereavement, or stress, or to deal with debt problems, or relationship breakdowns. Whatever is playing on your mind and affecting the way you feel, Able Futures can support you so that you can feel better and have more good days.

It is a completely confidential service and Able Futures will not share your details with anyone else unless you ask them to.

How to book

We know it's not always easy to make that first phone call, so we're offering you the opportunity to book a 30-minute confidential telephone appointment where a mental health professional will call you.

Booking your appointment is simple. Just click on the booking link and select your preferred time slot:

You will be asked to provide your name, email and phone contact details. You will receive confirmation of your appointment by email, and a member of the Able Futures team will call you at your chosen time.

During the phone call, they will answer any initial questions you have about the service and can help you complete an application for further support if you feel it would be of benefit to you.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

Visit our health and wellbeing support page

For more information go to:


Wednesday 15 May

Confidential mental health support from Able Futures - places available

Is something playing on your mind?

If you're worried about something or are feeling low, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Futures, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 13 June, between 8am and 5.30pm.

Able Futures offer nine months of free, confidential support from a qualified mental health professional on a one-to-one basis over the phone, by email, or video call at a time to suit you.

There are no waiting lists. Help is available now with issues such as anxiety, depression, bereavement, or stress, or to deal with debt problems, or relationship breakdowns. Whatever is playing on your mind and affecting the way you feel, Able Futures can support you so that you can feel better and have more good days.

It is a completely confidential service and Able Futures will not share your details with anyone else unless you ask them to.

How to book

We know it's not always easy to make that first phone call, so we're offering you the opportunity to book a 30-minute confidential telephone appointment where a mental health professional will call you.

Booking your appointment is simple. Just click on the booking link and select your preferred time slot:

You will be asked to provide your name, email and phone contact details. You will receive confirmation of your appointment by email, and a member of the Able Futures team will call you at your chosen time.

During the phone call, they will answer any initial questions you have about the service and can help you complete an application for further support if you feel it would be of benefit to you.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

Visit our health and wellbeing support page

For more information go to:


Wednesday 8 May

Planning for the unexpected - take part in Business Continuity Awareness Week

For the council, Business Continuity and Resilience is about making sure that we can continue to provide vital services in times of a crisis or major incident.

In the event of an unplanned incident that impacts our city, citizens and our staff, we have to make sure that both our external, customer-facing operations and internal staff process continue to operate. We do this through our Business Continuity Management (BCM) Policy and Framework.

Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW)

Business Continuity Awareness Week is a global initiative, run by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) between 13 and 17 May 2024. The week provides a helpful opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of business continuity and to make sure that all staff have an opportunity to develop their understanding of what business continuity is, how it impacts them and where they can learn more.

This year the initiative has joined Resilience Awareness Week and will become Business Continuity and Resilience Awareness Week with the theme of the week 'empowering tomorrow: building resilience today'. Throughout the week, the BCI will deliver free webinars aiming to raise awareness and support organisations to take a progressive approach to their business continuity and resilience, highlighting the significance of preparedness, community and collaboration in the face of emerging challenges.

Staff can view the free webinar programme online and can register to attend - you will need to create an account if you do not already have one.

All webinar recordings will be available on-demand to everyone for two weeks following awareness week.

How can I prepare for an unplanned incident?

What is our Business Continuity Management Framework?

Our BCM Framework provides a formal structure to make sure that our business continuity approach and arrangements are consistent across core council Services. It has been developed to help us meet continued service delivery in response to any unexpected event/issue that has an impact on our service delivery.

The Policy and Framework has recently been refreshed. Please take time to review it so that you understand how it:

  • helps us to respond quickly and effectively to disruption
  • demonstrates our commitment to making sure that our operations and services are maintained and restored to business as usual - as soon as possible in the event of a serious incident, and
  • helps us to minimise disruption to our staff, citizens and service users and focus on restoring critical services as soon as possible.

Why is it important to have business continuity plans?

Having business continuity plans helps us to reduce downtime in the event of a disruptive incident. They allow us to implement tested plans to continue to deliver critical services - rather than responding reactively.

Using carefully tested plans can help:

  • to improve and prevent damage to our reputation.
  • identify, and quickly recover/ restore priority business areas and functions.
  • provide clear action plans.
  • get the right message to the right person/ people at the right time, and
  • address future areas to improve upon to resume normal activity effectively and quickly.


Wednesday 17 April

Message from Stephen Sawers.

Monday 25 March

Payroll deadline dates for submitting overtime claim forms 2024/2025

It is important these forms are submitted on or before the deadline dates detailed below and completed correctly with all the relevant information to ensure there are no delays in you receiving payment for additional hours.

Important information - to make sure you receive your payments on time.

  • All overtime claims must be submitted at the end of each working week and not held back until the end of the submission period. 
  • Overtime claim forms should be posted on the Friday of the week the overtime has been undertaken (with exception of any Saturday working).
The Payroll deadline dates 2024/2025 Payroll deadline dates 2024/2025

Pay Date


Overtime sheet to be given to Area Manager no later than the dates detailed below



30 April 2024

5 April 2024

28 May 2024

3 May 2024

25 June 2024

7 June 2024

23 July 2024

5 July 2024

20 August 2024

26 July 2024

17 September 2024

23 August 2024

15 October 2024

20 September 2024

12 November 2024

18 October 2024

10 December 2024

15 November 2024

*07 January 2025

6 December 2024

4 February 2025

10 January 2025

4 March 2025

7 February 2025

01 April 2025

7 March 2025

*07 January 2025: Deadline and submission dates will be changed due to the holiday period and will be reviewed nearer the time

Friday 15 March

Pilot of New Absence Procedure and Reporting Telephone Line

The health and wellbeing of all our employees is important so we have a workforce that can deliver our vital frontline services. To ensure our absence reporting procedures are robust and we can provide our employees with the right support at the right time we are changing the current absence reporting procedure and piloting an absence reporting telephone line for the following groups of staff:

Grade 1:

  • catering and breakfast assistants
  • cleaners
  • and school crossing patrollers
  • Please note at this time the pilot will not include staff who work in care homes, children's residential units and hostels for the homeless or staff at Cook Freeze.

If you are in the group of grade 1 staff who are included in the pilot, you will have received a letter to our home address confirming this. If you work at Cook Freeze and received a letter about the pilot, please continue to follow your normal absence reporting procedures.

If your role is part of the pilot, it is important you read the information below carefully to ensure you know what to do and when.

When does the absence reporting procedure pilot start?

  • The pilot will start on Monday 18 March and will continue until Friday 2 August 2024.

Which staff are included in the pilot?

  • The pilot will include grade 1 catering and breakfast assistants, cleaners and school crossing patrollers, and will exclude staff who work in care homes, children's residential units and hostels for the homeless.

Important information about the absence reporting telephone line

From Monday 18 March, if you are reporting absent due to ill health you must call the dedicated absence reporting line to report the first day of your absence, instead of contacting your line manager or work location.

Depending on your role, you must call the absence reporting line as detailed below, and as early as possible in advance of your shift starting.

  • catering assistants and cleaners: Between 7am and 10am
  • breakfast assistants: Between 7am and 7:30am
  • school crossing patrollers: Between 7am and 7:30am

The telephone number for the absence reporting line is: 

  • 0141 287 1127 and this will be open between the hours of 7am and 10am. If the lines are busy, you should leave a message with your name and contact details to receive a call back.

If you become unfit for duty after these reporting times you should phone the reporting line as early as possible and in advance of your shift- starting.

What do I do if I have reported from work absent due to ill health and the pilot has started?

  • if you are currently absent and the pilot coincides with when you should be calling your manager to report the fourth or seventh day of your absence, you should now call the absence reporting line to provide an update on the fourth or seventh day.
  • if you continue to be absent after seven days or are long term absent (absent for 20 or more days) you should maintain regular contact with your manager every seventh day.

You can find more information about health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Tuesday 5 March

Is something playing on your mind?

If you're worried about something or are feeling low, spaces are available to talk to a mental health professional from Able Futures, in complete confidence, at the next virtual appointment day on Thursday 21 March, between 7.30am and 5.30pm.

Able Futures offer nine months of free, confidential support from a qualified mental health professional on a one-to-one basis over the phone, by email, or video call at a time to suit you.

There are no waiting lists. Help is available now with issues such as anxiety, depression, bereavement, or stress, or to deal with debt problems, or relationship breakdowns. Whatever is playing on your mind and affecting the way you feel, Able Futures can support you so that you can feel better and have more good days.

It is a completely confidential service and Able Futures will not share your details with anyone else unless you ask them to.

How to book

We know it's not always easy to make that first phone call, so we're offering you the opportunity to book a 30-minute confidential telephone appointment where a mental health professional will call you.

Booking your appointment is simple. Just click on the booking link and select your preferred time slot

You will be asked to provide your name, email and phone contact details. You will receive confirmation of your appointment by email, and a member of the Able Futures team will call you at your chosen time.

During the phone call, they will answer any initial questions you have about the service and can help you complete an application for further support if you feel it would be of benefit to you.

Support is available now

You don't have to wait until the appointment day, you can apply through the Able Futures website at any time for support. This confidential service is quick and easy to access:

Visit our health and wellbeing support page

For more information go to: Workforce Wellbeing Support

Monday 26 February

Health and Wellbeing Roadshow - Friday 1 March, come along and get involved

Recognising the importance of our employee health and wellbeing and to support staff further we have hosted a number of Health and Wellbeing Roadshows at locations across the city - you are invited to come along and drop in anytime between 2pm and 4pm at the roadshowtaking place on:

  • Friday 1 March: at Barlarnark Community and Education Centre,33 Burnmouth Road G33 4RZ

On the day there will be interactive fun activities such as a free back, neck and shoulder massages and a smoothie bike so you can make your own fruit smoothies. You can visit awareness stalls from our external partners who will be on site to provide information and advice on all things Health and Wellbeing as well as information on the benefits to joining the Glasgow Credit Union, Hospital Saturday Fund, Home Energy Scotland, menopause advice, cost of living information as well as many more.

For more information Visit our health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support


Real Living Wage Increase

The Real Living Wage (formerly known as the Glasgow Living Wage) increases to £12.00 per hour from 1 April 2024. 

We will apply this new hourly rate to the salaries of all Grade 1 employees from 1 April 2024 with the first payment received in 2 April 2024 pay.

This increase is in advance of the 2024 to 2025 pay settlement. When that is reached we will update all staff as soon as possible with the changes and any back dated pay at Grade 1 will be for any increase above the £12.00 per hour rate.

Monday 12 February

Your Health and Wellbeing Roadshow - Come along and get involved

Recognising the importance of our employee health and wellbeing and to support staff further we have hosted a number of Health and Wellbeing Roadshows - and you are invited to come along and drop into a roadshow at a location near you - between 2pm until 4pm on any of the dates below:

  • Thursday 15 February:Barmulloch Community and Education Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant G21 3PX
  • Friday 1 March: Barlarnark Community and Education Centre,33 Burnmouth Road G33 4RZ

On the day there will be interactive fun activities such as a free back, neck and shoulder massages and a smoothie bike so you can make your own fruit smoothies. You can visit awareness stalls from our external partners who will be on site to provide information and advice on all things Health and Wellbeing as well as information on the benefits to joining the Glasgow Credit Union, Hospital Saturday Fund, Home Energy Scotland, menopause advice, cost of living information as well as many more.

For more information Visit our health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Thursday 8 February

We're Recruiting: School Crossing Patroller - Permanent Positions

Catering and Facilities Management manage 350 designated crossing patrollers who deliver a vital service to school children and members of the public across the city of Glasgow.

Adhering to road safety regulations the patrollers provide an important and invaluable road safety service.

We are currently recruiting for vacancies based in various locations across the city:

  • no previous experience is necessary as full training will be provided.  
  • membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) will be essential on taking up appointment - payment for PVG Membership/Checks will be applicable to the successful candidate.
  • these are Term Time positions, and the hourly rate is £10.15

If you or someone in your family or friends are interested in these positions and would like more information, please contact our Recruitment Team by emailing or phoning 0141 353 9093.

Wednesday 7 February

Your Health and Wellbeing Roadshow - Come along and get involved

Recognising the importance of our employee health and well-being and to support staff further we have hosted a number of Health and Wellbeing Roadshows - and you are invited to come along and drop into a roadshow at a location near you - between 2pm until 4pm on any of the dates below:

  • Thursday 15 February:Barmulloch Community and Education Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant G21 3PX
  • Friday 1 March: Barlarnark Community and Education Centre,33 Burnmouth Road G33 4RZ

On the day there will be interactive fun activities such as a free back, neck and shoulder massages and a smoothie bike so you can make your own fruit smoothies. You can visit awareness stalls from our external partners who will be on site to provide information and advice on all things Health and Wellbeing as well as information on the benefits to joining the Glasgow Credit Union, Hospital Saturday Fund, Home Energy Scotland, menopause advice, cost of living information as well as many more.

For more information Visit our health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Thursday 1 February


Annemarie O'Donnell will leave the City Council later this year.

Annemarie has told Council Leader Susan Aitken that she will step down in May, after almost a decade in post and more than 30 years in local government in Glasgow.

Recruitment for a new Chief Executive will begin immediately, with Annemarie's successor appointed before she leaves the City Chambers.

Annemarie said: "I've been privileged to have had the opportunity to serve our city for longer than I could ever have imagined when I joined the District Council more than 30 years ago - and fortunate to share nearly my whole my working life with people that have been so dedicated to Glasgow and its people.

"But, I was still in my forties when I was appointed Chief Executive and, since then, nearly a decade has passed in the blink of an eye.

"It's not a job that really allows you time or capacity to do or even think about much else and, when I look forward to the next ten years, I want to be able to start making room in my life for other things.

"Everybody knows that local government has faced extraordinary challenges in recent years and I think it would be a mistake for any of us to imagine that isn't going to continue.

"However, every day, I work with colleagues who are innovative and resilient; totally committed to this city, and formidable leaders in their own right.

"Whoever follows me will be ready to meet those challenges, with a great team alongside them."

Council leader Susan Aitken said: "It's difficult to overstate Annemarie's contribution to Glasgow during her long career at the council, and particularly as Chief Executive.

"Her calm demeanour belies a real passion for the city and determination to make things better, especially for our residents and communities who face the biggest challenges.

"In a big city, there's not a day goes by without some new issue being thrown up, often very daunting ones.

"Annemarie's professionalism, her focus on problem-solving and partnership-building, her trust in her team to deliver, her willingness to face tough decisions head on, and her compassion for those who'll be affected by those decisions, have helped to see Glasgow through everything from major fires to a global pandemic.

"On a personal level, I've really enjoyed my close working relationship with Annemarie these past six-and-a-half years. I've learned a lot from her and I'll miss her very much. But I'm also looking forward to working with the next generation of professional leadership in what is the most challenging and exciting non-elected job in Scottish local government

Annemarie began her local government career with Glasgow District Council some 33 years ago, working as a solicitor and then senior solicitor in a team focusing on construction, housing and planning.

Following local government reorganisation in 1996, she was promoted to Chief Solicitor at the newly-established Glasgow City Council.

In 2003, Annemarie was appointed Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services and later spent two years on secondment as Depute Director of Social Work Services.

She returned to Corporate Services in 2007, serving as Assistant Director and later Director, before succeeding George Black as Chief Executive at the end of 2014. She was awarded an OBE for services to local government in 2022.

Friday 26 January

Your Health and Wellbeing Roadshow - Come along and get involved

Recognising the importance of our employee health, safety and well-being and to support staff further we are hosting a number of Health and Wellbeing Roadshows - and you are invited to come along and get involved.

On the day there will be interactive fun activities such as a free back, neck and shoulder massages and a smoothie bike so you can make your own fruit smoothies. You can visit awareness stalls from our external partners who will be on site to provide information and advice on all things Health and Wellbeing as well as information on the benefits to joining the Glasgow Credit Union, Hospital Saturday Fund, Home Energy Scotland, menopause advice, cost of living information as well as many more.

About the Roadshows

Come along and drop into one of the roadshows at a location near you - between 2pm until 4pm on any of the dates below:

  • Thursday 1 February: Netherton Community and Education Centre, 358 Netherton Road G13 1AX
  • Thursday 15 February:Barmulloch Community and Education Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant G21 3PX
  • Friday 1 March: Barlarnark Community and Education Centre,33 Burnmouth Road G33 4RZ

For more information Visit our health and wellbeing support at Workforce Wellbeing Support

Thursday 11 January

Pay Award Update for 2023 to 2024

We advised in November 2023 that council Leaders had agreed to implement the pay offer made in September 2023. We updated our pay and grading structure, and backdated payments were made in your December 2023 pay.  We also advised at that time, that elements of the pay offer were still under negotiation and any future changes would be advised in due course. 

We can now confirm that COSLA has advised that they have now concluded the pay offer - which has resulted in changes to the September 2023 offer which will impact employees from Grade 4 Interim onwards (as employees at grades below this received their full increase in December 2023) as well as those in receipt of Non-Standard Working Pattern and Work Context and Demand Payments.

What this means for you

  • For employees on Grades 1 to Grade 4 Entry - there will be no change as your full increase was applied and paid in December 2023. 
  • For employees from Grade 4 Interim onwards - there has been an increase from the previous offer, you can see the latest pay table on the website.
  • For all staff in receipt of Non-Standard Working Pattern and Work Context and Demand Payments - these payments will be increased by 6.05% based on the 2022/2023 rates (the September 2023 offer increased them by 5.5%).

These rates are effective from 1 April 2023 and appropriate backpay (taking into account payment already made in December 2023) will be included in your pay on 6 February 2024.

The pay award is calculated based on work patterns and will be pro-rated for part-time employees.

Staff in receipt of Universal Credit - check your claim

You need to be aware that this backdated pay could affect payments. The amount you get could change if your take-home pay changes.

These benefits are calculated on your personal circumstances. Because of this we, as your employer, do not know how, or if, you may be affected. The backdated payment may mean you will either receive less credit than normal, or you may even earn too much to qualify, and your claim will close. You should therefore check with the DWP how this backdated payment affects you.

You can get independent help and advice about Universal Credit from Advice First on freephone 0800 328 5644.

You can also visit

Further financial information and support including grants, benefits and advice is available from the Scottish Government cost of living support website at

If you need to chat in confidence about any financial issues you may be experiencing you can also contact PAM Assist, our Employee Assistance Provider. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on freephone 0800 247 1100 or email / More details at Employee Assistance Programme

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Last modified on 13 September 2024

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