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Youth Engagement Policy Commission

Glasgow City Council has established a Youth Engagement Commission to help the Council and other partner agencies identify actions that can improve opportunities and outcomes for young people.

Call for Evidence

The Youth Engagement Policy Commission would like to ask for your views, and any available evidence that will help the Commission to better understand the issues around the three areas the Commission wishes to address:

  • Barriers that young people face in engaging with the City Council, other public agencies and in participating in the life of our city
  • Priority issues for young people, that they would wish to engage on
  • Approaches to help improve youth engagement

Thank you very much for all your contributions, the Call for Evidence has now closed and the Commission are considering the findings, and planning the next steps.


In particular the Commission aims to

  • Examine the barriers that young people face in engaging with the city council, other public agencies and in participating in the life of our city
  • Identify the priority issues for young people that they would wish to engage on
  • Consider approaches to help improve youth engagement with a particular focus on hearing evidence from young people and their representatives



Youth Commission

The Commission is chaired by Councillor Martin McElroy and comprises elected members along with young people and people from organisations that represent young people. Including:

  • Bailie Elizabeth Cameron
  • Councillor Stephen Curran
  • Councillor Greg Hepburn
  • Councillor Yvonne Kucuk
  • Councillor Martin McElroy (Chair)
  • Councillor Angus Millar
  • Councillor Martha Wardrop

Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament and Glasgow Youth Council


  • West of Scotland Regional Equality Council
  • Who Cares Scotland
  • Scottish Trades Union Congress
  • LGBT Youth



The Commission will work collaboratively with all views taken into consideration. Members of the Commission will be the main drivers of and play an active role in determining what the Commission will do.

Council officers will help support the work of the Commission, and the opportunity for Commission members to play an active role in engaging more widely with young people to understand the issues that they face.

As well as tackling policy issues, the Commission is also interested in examining ways to help improve and make it easier for young people to engage with public services in the city.



Last modified on 23 November 2023

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