Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence
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The Civic Government (Scotland) Act, 1982 requires that an Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence is necessary for the use of premises as a place of public sports entertainment.
To apply for a licence, return your completed application form with the appropriate fee to the Licensing Section.
Alternatively You can submit your application by post to the following address:
Licensing Section
Glasgow City Council
City Chambers
George Square
Glasgow G2 1DU
We recommend that you send the application by Recorded Delivery/Special Delivery to ensure that it is received.
Please refer to our Fees and Charges for details of the current fees and accepted payment methods.
The application will not be accepted without the correct fee.
Payment for your application should be made by BACS Transfer (electronic banking) to the Licensing Board Account.
When making payments please quote your licence reference number if you are a current licence holder or quote ISEL/Name of Premise or Address if you are a new licence holder as detailed below:-
Account Name: Glasgow City Council - Licensing
Account No. 00116224
Sort Code: 83-44-00
Reference: ISEL/Name of Premise or address e.g. SOSG/"Glasgow City Council" or "231 George Street, G1 1X"
Please note that your application will not be formally lodged until payment has been received. The fees are non-refundable.
We do not recommend that you send a renewal application to us by post, preferred method is by Email. If you do, you must ensure that it is lodged with us before the expiry date of your current licence.
Related Articles
- Guidance for Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence
- Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence Conditions
- Licensing Committee Privacy Statement
- Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence Application Form (PDF, 359 KB)(opens new window)
- Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence Notice (Word doc, 21 KB)(opens new window)
- ISEL Certificate of Compliance (Word doc, 19 KB)(opens new window)
- Indoor Sports Premises Public Register (Excel doc, 41 KB)(opens new window)