Area Partnership Budgets
To assist the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership's Area Partnerships in their role they are each allocated an area budget by Glasgow City Council. These budgets are mainly used to provide grants to local community and voluntary organisations to provide services that will help to achieve the Area Partnership's local priorities and Glasgow City Council's objectives.
Any application for funding from the Area Partnership Budget needs to demonstrate a fit with local priorities and the involvement of local communities.
Funding Applications
Applications for funding should be developed locally to meet identified needs and they should demonstrate how they will benefit an area/community within the Partnership's boundary. The application should clearly link to one of more of the Area Partnerships' Investment Priorities (PDF, 131 KB). If it doesn't, the application will need to provide evidence that there is "strong case for consideration". Area budget funding can be available for citywide. or multi-Area Partnership applications but only where the application meets the eligibility criteria for each of the Area Partnerships.
You are advised to read the relevant guidance before requesting and/or submitting your application to ensure that the application is eligible, as there are other eligibility criteria relating to area budget funding (e.g. what the area budget can't fund; minimum and maximum levels of funding). If you are still unclear as to the application's eligibility or have any other questions relating to the application process, please contact the Communities Team; relevant contact details are provided in the guidance.