Health and Safety on Council Sites

What is it?

It is our policy and responsibility to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of our employees and all persons including members of the public likely to be affected by the council's services and activities. In discharging its 'duty of care' responsibility to members of the public, pupils, etc. the council is reflecting the aims and provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

Glasgow City Council and our Arms Length External Organisations (ALEOs) operate positive policies for health and safety [1Mb] at each of our venues and individual service premises used by members of the public such as our schools, residential homes, parks, libraries and sports facilities etc. The framework for development, implementation and monitoring of these policies is contained within our health and safety management systems.

As well as routine management of health and safety within council and ALEOs premises, we also have plans in place for outside events such as fireworks, the Christmas Lights Switch on and Hogmanay where our focus is on public safety. The service area or ALEO with lead responsibility for managing an event will have the main responsibility for ensuring health and safety, with the Council's Health and Safety Group providing additional support and advice as necessary.

We also work in-conjunction with various external partners including the Health and Safety Executive, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Care Inspectorate etc.

Last modified on 10 November 2023

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