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Glasgow's Asset Catalogue

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Glasgow City Council (the council) has produced an interactive Asset Catalogue which can be viewed below.

How to use the Asset Catalogue

Select the asset you wish to visit from our interactive asset catalogue - please note that data layers can be downloaded in csv or xls format to aid you with your technical planning activities. Please note to view the Asset Register you will need to use Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

Then e-mail the council with details of your intended use for the assets for example:

Asset Selection
Street ColumnsRooftops
  • Requirements
  • Plans with Drawings
  • Location
  • Light Column Number
  • Dimensions & Weight of Apparatus
  • Power Consumption/Requirements
  • Mounting Height of Apparatus
  • Proposed Access (Date & Time)
  • Risk Assessment/Method Statement
  • Contact Details of 3rd Party Attendee
  • Location/Name of Asset
  • Proposed Access (Date & Time)
  • Requirements & Reason for Access 
  • Method Statement
  • Risk Assessment
  • Contact Details of 3rd Party Attendee 




View our Asset Catalogue

You can find a link to the Asset Catalogue on the right hand column or you can click here.

Rental Agreements

For more information on our templates and how to download click here.

Fees/Charging Structure

To find out the fees and charging structure for the Rental Agreements click here.


The council endeavours to keep the information contained in the Asset Catalogue accurate and up to date.

However, no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or suitability of the information provided. Under no circumstances shall the council be liable to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use and/or reliance on any of the information contained within the Asset Catalogue.

Your use and/or reliance on any information contained within the Asset Catalogue is solely at your own risk.

The data sets can be downloaded in xls or csv format to aid with Planning.

The Asset Catalogue is exclusively a list of the council's assets, but in the future we hope to expand this to:

  • include other city assets, and
  • work with the industry to include the telecom's equipment installed in the city for both Glasgow City Council assets and private assets.



If you wish to give feedback or make suggestions on the Asset Catalogue please direct them to us by Email.

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