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Recruiting for a Business

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Recruiting and retaining staff to help your business grow and develop can often be a challenge. Glasgow Guarantee is a highly regarded employment programme with a track record of supporting Glasgow residents into work and supporting local businesses to recruit.

What is the Glasgow Guarantee?

Glasgow Guarantee is an investment in Glasgow's future. It benefits those looking for Fair Work jobs, by developing the skills of our city's workforce, alongside helping local businesses to recruit, by offering an Employer Recruitment Incentive (ERI) that can be used to source a new member of staff.

Glasgow Guarantee can give Glasgow businesses direct access to a diverse pool of work ready candidates, who are actively seeking employment. The programme also offers an in-work progression/training award payment, to help candidates progress and gain additional transferable qualifications and includes in work support to both candidates and businesses.


If your business meets the following criteria, you can register with the Glasgow Guarantee to advertise your role and find your next team member. Your business must:

  • be operating within the Glasgow City Council boundary

  • employ fewer than 250 employees

  • be a private company, social enterprise or third sector organisation

  • hold current public and employers' liability insurance

  • be able to provide payslips, and where requested, payroll run and business bank statements

  • agree to only recruit from our pool of candidates

  • adhere to Fair Work First commitments which includes payment of the Real Living Wage (including apprentices) and providing appropriate channels of effective workers' voice

  • Not have any outstanding debt to Glasgow City Council - approval is dependent on your Non-Domestic rate account being up to date

  • Our Employer Recruitment Incentive is not intended to assist you to afford to recruit a candidate, therefore you must be able to demonstrate your organisation is financially stable and can offer a sustainable job opportunity.


More information

For more information, please visit the Glasgow Guarantee website. 

Our staff are here to assist you with your business enquiry however, insulting or abusive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated.  Please note that our services may be withdrawn in line with our Unacceptable Actions Policy if anyone is considered as being abusive.

Last modified on 26 March 2024

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