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Compulsory Purchase Orders

Compulsory purchase involves the taking of private land by the state in order to carry out projects for the benefit of the general public. 

Government departments and public bodies, such as local authorities, transport or utilities companies (called "acquiring authorities") are given statutory powers which enable them to acquire land compulsorily for specific public projects.

A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) is the act by which the Council acquires land compulsorily. The owners are encouraged to agree voluntary sale to the Council at market value established by an independent valuer and/or by their own valuer.  Any compulsory purchase must be confirmed by the Scottish Ministers, so when the Council promotes (or "makes") a CPO, the Council also applies to the Scottish Government for confirmation.

During this period of consideration by the Scottish Ministers, any interested party can object to the CPO project (for example empty home, regeneration or development project, roads enlargement etc), but not to the property valuation. Disputes on the valuation can be taken to the Lands Tribunal only. 

You can view the CPOs currently promoted by Glasgow City Council here, together with information on who to contact in relation to each one of them.

Process for CPOs

The steps in making and obtaining confirmation CPO are set in statute and involve the use of certain statutory forms and notices, under a special procedure.

The CPO procedure involves:

  • Council's resolution to make the CPO 
    This involves a decision by one of Council's Committees competent to deal with the proposed project.  All committee documents are in the public domain and are available Online.
  • The making of the CPO by the Council
    This procedure involves the drafting of the Compulsory Purchase Order and other statutory documents.
  • Notice of making of the CPO by the Council
    This is done by observing statutory procedures.
  • 21 days for objections to the CPO
    The Notice of making the Order gives interested parties at least 21 days for objections from the date of the first publication in the newspapers. Any objection must be done in writing directly to the Scottish Government, as clearly specified in the Notices for the relevant CPO.
  • Submission of CPO by the Council to the Scottish Minister for confirmation
    More information on the CPO process can be found in the Scottish Government Guide for Property Owners.
  • Confirmation of the Order by the Scottish Government
    The final step of the CPO procedure is confirmation of the Order by the Scottish Ministers.
  • Notice of Confirmation of the CPO
    This is done by observing statutory procedures.
  • Making a Claim for Compensation
    Any person with an interest in the Order land is invited to submit a claim for compensation. The determination of interests to be valued is done by observing statutory procedures.

If you are the owner of one of the properties or part of the land that the Council is proposing to compulsorily purchase, and you wish to discuss a voluntary sale, please contact us via the details shown on the notices relative to that particular CPO. Alternatively, you can email us at Compulsory Purchase Compensation.

Please note that a voluntary sale can be agreed throughout the CPO process, up to the date before the Council can take title (after confirmation of the CPO).​​

Types of Property/Land Considered for CPO

Empty homes or houses in disrepair, derelict land, residential or commercial properties or any other land can be included in a compulsory purchase, depending on the type of public project envisaged by the acquiring authority.  For example:

  • urban regeneration
  • bringing empty homes back into use
  • roads and canals
  • railways
  • water supply and drainage
  • private enterprise
  • modern technology i.e. (electricity, gas, land and mobile telephony, broadband) 
  • green energy projects


View CPOs

The links below provide a list of compulsory purchase orders currently approved by Glasgow City Council's Committee and advertised by Glasgow City Council and submitted to the Scottish Ministers for confirmation:


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Last modified on 29 April 2024

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