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Are you Ready for Cycle September?

Cycle September is a month-long competition from Love to Ride, which aims to get more people riding bikes. At a time when environmental issues, wellness, and money saving are an important factor for many, there has never been a better time to ride a bike.

Published: 29th of August, 2022

Cycle September is a month-long competition from Love to Ride, which aims to get more people riding bikes. At a time when environmental issues, wellness, and money saving are an important factor for many, there has never been a better time to ride a bike.

Last year more than 51,000 riders from almost 7,000 businesses took part in Love to Ride, including over 5,500 people who were new to riding. They hopped on their bikes, logged their rides, encouraged their friends and family to join, and won amazing prizes for their efforts.

For Cycle September it doesn't matter if you ride every day or if you haven't been on a bike in years. Love to Ride are behaviour change experts who have helped over 625,000 people worldwide get into biking, including over 146,000 new riders who report having never ridden a bike or only ridden a few times in the last year.

Love to Ride has lots of resources to help people ride out with confidence, from Top Tips articles and Quick Courses.

There are so many benefits to be enjoyed from riding a bike, and Cycle September is all about embracing each one of them, such as:

  • Better physical health - even a 10-minute bike ride will boost your immune system and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Improved mental health - riding a bike is a mindful activity that promotes the release of endorphins.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety - cycling can calm the mind, improve self-confidence, and elevate your mood.
  • Protecting the planet - reduce your carbon footprint by leaving the car at home.
  • Saving money - cut down on transport costs and vehicle maintenance.

Taking part in Cycle September is easy. Ride for 10 minutes or more, log your ride, and start earning points to win prizes and climb the leaderboards.

Full details are available at

Cycle September in Glasgow is funded via Glasgow's Smarter Choices, Smarter Places fund with additional contributions from Glasgow Life.

Cycling Sept

Last modified on 30 April 2024

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