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Exclusions from School

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Procedures Governing the Exclusion/Removal from the School Register of Children and Young People from Educational Establishments

Exclusion procedures are governed by The Schools General (Scotland) Regulations 1975 as amended and the Education Scotland Act 1980 as amended. There are, therefore, certain legal requirements laid down in statute which must be fundamental to authority practice.

Getting it Right for Every Child is a national policy initiative that is fully supported by Education Services. The policy guidelines refer to all services for children and adult services where children are involved. Its purpose is to ensure that parents/carers and professionals work effectively together ensure the inclusion of children and young people and to give children and young people the best start and support for their learning, development, care, safety and welfare.

Our commitment

We are committed to contributing to a multi-agency team involving, social work and other council services, Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and the voluntary agencies in order to provide an integrated approach meeting each individual's identified needs.

Our Additional Support for Learning Policy, 'Every Child is Included and Supported' (2015) which embraces the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) 2004 and the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) 2009, makes clear our commitment to meeting the wider additional support needs of all children and young people. Many young people may require additional support, at some or all stages of their school careers, to ensure that barriers to learning and achievement are addressed.

Barriers to learning

Barriers to learning are many and complex and can include:

  • The learning environment
  • Family circumstances
  • Disability or health needs
  • Social and emotional factors


Last modified on 23 August 2023

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