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How will the scheme affect me?

We recognise that School Car Free Zones have the potential to impact local residents, parents and commuters. Set out below is further information on how the restriction may affect you. 

Parents and Carers

A number of streets outside of these schools will be restricted to certain traffic during defined times at the beginning and end of the school day. 

This will create a safer environment for those who walk and cycle to school, and will hopefully encourage more parents and carers of children to leave their cars at home and walk to school. 

For those who still need to drive to school then we ask that they park a short distance away from the school and walk the remainder of the journey.

Our Park and Stride initiative can help you plan your journey. 

Gateway signs will be located at the entrance of all affected streets, further information on how the restriction will be enforced.


If you are a resident in one of the streets closed to traffic then you will need to display a valid permit to allow you to drive in the zones between the times that the restriction is in force. 

Further details on the restriction and times they apply.

Please note that permits will only be issued to residents living within the zones directly affected by the restriction.

Information for Blue Badge Holders

Blue badge holders residing at or visiting properties within the restricted roads will be exempt from the School Streets restrictions.

Last modified on 09 November 2023

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