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TRO - Parking Controls FAQs

Can I park outside the marked bays out with the proposed chargeable hours?

No. The restriction out with the marked bays is 'no waiting at any time' and therefore is in operation at all times and can be enforced as such.

Will signage be installed to reflect this?

Yes. Entry and exit signage will be installed to show where the RPZ begins and ends. The entry signage denotes that vehicles must 'park only in signed bays'.

Parking Places

What are shared use parking bays?

Shared use parking bays can be used by both permit holders and those who wish to pay for parking, this makes best use of the road space as it prioritises resident parking but also offers visitor parking for residential properties and short term customer parking close to local businesses. Vehicles displaying a disabled badge can also park within shared use parking bays free of charge and without limit of time.

Why can't we have resident only bays?

The Council must always take into account its wider aspirations and its strategic objectives whilst considering the needs of the area. We look to achieve this by creating accessible communities, encouraging economic growth by supporting local businesses and seeking sustainable options for travel. The use of resident only bays is prohibitive and an inefficient use of finite road space, it also goes against the Council's objectives so would not be considered.

Will I be guaranteed a parking space close to my property?

As with any road there is only a limited parking capacity, however these parking controls will prioritise residential parking and increase availability of convenient parking spaces overall.

You are reducing the parking capacity on my street, why have you done this?

These parking controls maximise parking provision where possible, however parking bays can only be established where it is safe to do so; road safety and pedestrian safety needs to be taken into consideration when these schemes are being developed. Issues such as vehicles parking too close to junctions, on corners, on footways or in turning areas must be addressed as this can impede access and manoeuvrability for delivery, cleansing and emergency service vehicles. The geometry of the road must also be taken into consideration so, at locations where there are angled parking bays, the turning area for entry and exit must be made available as detailed within design guidance.


Parking Permits

Who qualifies for a resident parking permit?

Any resident who lives in a property within the affected area, and that property was completed before the parking zone Order is made, can apply for resident parking permits for all registered vehicles at their address. If your property is part of a new-build development built after the parking zone order has been made then you would NOT qualify for a permit.

Why are you charging for a resident parking permit?

Our policy is to ensure that the costs of administrating and enforcing on road parking controls should be met by the parking charges in place. As there would be revenue generated from pay and display due to the shared use parking spaces then the resident parking permit price can be set at £98 per annum.

How many resident parking permits can I purchase?

One for each vehicle you have registered at your home address. Please note that Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) will be restricted to one permit per property. That vehicle would also have to be registered at that property.

What are residents' visitor parking permits?

Residents' visitor parking permits are available to residents within the area covered by the proposals. They allow longer stays than the 3 hour pay and display maximum stay time and cost £2 per set 6 hour time period. Residents' visitor parking permits will be available to purchase in advance from the parking unit in blocks of five. The time periods during which they will be used do not require to be known in advance as the permits are in the form of scratch cards where the appropriate date and times are scratched off at the time of use. I have off-road parking.

Could I still buy a residents' parking permit for my vehicle?

Yes, providing your property qualifies and that your vehicle is registered to your home address within the area.

What if I have a works vehicle?

Residents with works vehicles can be accommodated, provided it is the same vehicle regularly, as they are currently in existing areas with parking control schemes.

Who qualifies for a business parking permit?

Any business situated within the affected area can apply for a business parking permit. There is no limit on the number of permits that can be issued and it should also be noted that these permits are transferrable between vehicles.

Why is the cost of a business parking permit different to a resident parking permit?

Business parking permits are made available to support local businesses where vehicles are business critical and the price is set to offer a substantial discount in comparison to standard parking charges over a one year period. The cost of this permit was agreed at Committee following discussions with the Chamber of Commerce prior to its introduction in 2006 and was reduced by £50 down to £650 following Glasgow City Council's City Government Budget 2018 - 2019. The permit cost for businesses at £650 per annum works out at under £2.50 per day (based on a five day working week) which is a substantial discount in comparison to standard parking charges over a one year period and is transferable between vehicles.

If business permit costs were set at £98, it would actively encourage commuting as the likelihood is that most businesses would purchase a large quantity to provide to staff members. This would defeat the purpose of the proposals which is to protect residents from commuters flooding the streets and using them as an all-day car park to travel to their place of work.



Is this not just a money making scheme?

Enforcement is vital to the sustainability and success of parking regulations. The costs of running the scheme, including administration, implementation, enforcement and maintenance are required to be met from the revenue raised by the scheme. Any surplus shall be reinvested in roads.

Will this scheme affect my car insurance?

The introduction of parking controls has no known effect on car insurance as residents will still be parking on street as stated to the insurance provider.

Will this scheme affect my property value?

There is no evidence to suggest the value of properties will decrease due to the introduction of these schemes, in contrast the increased availability and regulation of parking has been seen by local communities as an enhancement to the area. Individual properties are not allocated a parking space on the road network and this will remain the same.

What about the operation of local community groups?

These parking controls are designed to allow the local community to operate as normal, without the negative influence of commuter parking, therefore local groups including churches and community clubs will be able to purchase residents' visitor parking permits.

Will roads be marked with yellow lines?

For the Sighthill area the only markings will be white lined bays. As the scheme will be operated as a Restricted Parking Zone, no yellow lines are required. Once a vehicle has passed the zone entry signs, the restrictions in effect will be 'no waiting at any time'. Therefore parking is only permitted within designated white bays and these will be signed appropriately.

Can I park within dedicated loading bays?

You cannot park within loading bays during the times of the RPZ. However, you can park within them out with these times. Please note that the vehicle must be removed before the loading bay becomes operational again or a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) may be issued.

What do disabled person's badge holders do?

Disabled person's badge holders can park in any designated parking space, free of charge while displaying their badge, and without limit of time. There is no need to purchase a resident parking permit in addition to this.


Last modified on 14 March 2023

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