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Bin Hub Pilot Project Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of having bin hubs to me as a resident?

The new arrangements will allow for more frequent uplifts and provide a wider range of recycling options. Having bin hubs on the street will allow you to use your backcourt without the need to store your bins there.

The modernised bins that will make up the new hubs should also allow for more efficient collection of household waste and so there should be less noise and disruption on the street on collection days.

We also expect the new system will make it easier for our teams to monitor the bins hubs and ensure issues can be tackled more quickly.

No access to your close will be required to service your bins, which will help to improve household security. The new arrangements will ensure there are no obstructions on local pavements and that no bins are placed directly next to windows of residents.

What are the benefits to the council?

We expect we will be able to empty bins more frequently and more quickly with the introduction of the new hubs. The new system should reduce manual tasks undertaken by staff and that should help to improve health and safety for our staff. We also anticipate our teams will encounter fewer issues such as blocked back lanes or  problems with access to tenement closes , which lead to missed bin collections.

What benefits will there be for the environment?

It is expected the new on-street bins hubs will help to improve the city's recycling rate. By recycling more we are using materials more sustainably and that will help to reduce Glasgow's carbon footprint.

On-street bin hubs will be emptied more frequently and it is expected there will be fewer issues with missed bin collections, which should help to keep neighbourhoods cleaner and tidier. Removing bins from back court areas will also help residents keep them in better condition and free up these spaces for other activities such as play or food growing.


Bins and Waste

What kind of bins will be included in the on-street hubs?

The new bin hubs will include four different types of bins - one or two bins for general waste and three for recycling. The three recycling bins will take a range of different materials - fibres, containers and food waste. A fibre bin will be dedicated for paper, card and cardboard. A container bin will be available for plastic bottles, pots, tubs, trays and film, cartons, as well as food and drink cans. There will also be a bin for food waste.

Some bin hubs may differ in quantities due to the number of properties they serve, but your hub will have:

One or two 1,280 litre bins for general waste

a 1,280 litre bin for paper, card and cardboard.

a 1,280 litre bin for plastic packaging, plastic bottles, food tins, drinks cans & cartons.

a 240L Food waste bin.

How often will the bins be emptied?

Bins for general waste will be emptied every four days while bins for recycling and food waste will be emptied every eight days.

Where will the new bin hubs be located in my street, will they be at the entrance to my close?

Bin hubs will be placed no more than 50 metres from each close in the pilot area. You may see a bin hub close to your main door but we will try to minimise the visual impact on residents from their homes.

Why have Pollokshields, Haghill and parts of Anderston been chosen for this pilot?

A large number of households in these area already dispose of their household waste in bins that have been moved from back courts and back lanes to public spaces in front of their properties. These changes followed assessments that indicated there was a risk to our staff from transferring bins from back courts and back lanes to our refuse vehicles. The pilot gives us an opportunity to build on these arrangements and look at how we improve the service by offering more frequent collections and better recycling options.

Where in Pollokshields/Haghill/Anderston will the on-street bin hubs be in use?

In Pollokshields the on-street bin hubs will be installed in an area between Nithsdale Road and McCulloch Street and also Shields Road and Darnley Street.

In Haghill bin hubs were initially installed in Aberdour Street, Aberfeldy Street, Aberfoyle Street, Aitken Street, Appin Road, Marwick Street and Walter Street. However, the pilot area was extended to cover the area between Ledaig Street, Corsock Street, Cumbernauld Road and Appin Road.

Initially the Anderston phase of the pilot focused on five addresses in Berkeley Street. The Anderston pilot is now being extended to include select properties in an area between North Street, Sauchiehall Street, Berkeley Street, Breadalbane Street and St Vincent Street.

In all instances, we have written to residents to advise them their address is included in the on-street bin hub scheme.

How many properties will my Hub serve?

This can vary but on average each hub will serve 26 homes. A maximum of 40 homes will be expected to use one hub.

How will I know which materials are to be put into which coloured bin?

Each bin will be clearly marked with the materials it should be used for. Bins will also come with a QR code that will allow residents to access extensive information on the council's website. Other materials that detail how bins should be used will be circulated to householders before the on-street bin pilot becomes operational.

Why do I need to separate out different types of material?

Separating waste to go into different bins will make sure these materials have the best possible chance of being fully recycled for further use. Keeping different materials as separate as possible helps to preserve the quality of those materials and that makes these items more attractive to firms that process recyclable materials.  If material is contaminated with other types of waste then processing firms can reject batches of material, which is bad for the city's recycling rate and has a significant cost to the taxpayer.

Recycling as much as possible allows us to use taxpayer's money as efficiently as possible when managing the city's waste. Disposing of refuse as general, or bin bag, waste is the most expensive way for the council to deal with household waste.

Does it matter if I put the wrong items in any of the bins and why should I care?

Placing materials targeted for recycling into the general waste bin significantly reduces the opportunity to recover these materials for recycling, costs more to dispose of the material, and is a loss of resource.  In addition, placing general waste in bin bags into the recycling bins negatively impacts the quality of the materials the Council is trying to capture for recycling.  The quality of the materials captured for recycling is equally important as the quantity. 

The cost of processing poor quality recycling negatively impacts recycling performance and Council budgets.

By placing the correct material in the right bin, residents have an opportunity to reduce the environmental impacts of managing waste, increase recycling rates, and improve environmental and financial performance.

What happens to my waste and recyclables after collection?

The waste collected from household bins goes to various destinations for disposal or recycling. General or bin bag waste is primarily taken to the Glasgow Recycling and Renewable Energy Centre, where it undergoes a number of processes that leads to the production of electricity. The centre can also recover some recyclable material put into general waste bin bags, however, residents should place target recyclable items into the relevant recycling bins.  Some general waste goes to landfill, but the amount has significantly reduced in recent years.

Recyclable items will go a range of specialist companies who deal with specific materials and ensure there is further use for these materials. 

Further information on the destination of materials collected within the respective bins is available on the Council website.

Why is glass recycling not included in the new hubs?

The Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for single-use drinks containers is due to be introduced across Scotland in March 2024.  This will provide hundreds of additional return points for glass bottles across the city.  As a result, the quantity of glass collected by the Council is expected to drop significantly, as a 90% capture rate has been placed on the DRS scheme administrators.

Public collection points for glass bottles and jars are available and the locations of these bins are located on a GIS map on the Council website (opens new window)

Are you recycling / reusing the wheeled bins that are being removed from the backcourts?

Yes, any usable bins will be washed and stored for re-use at a suitable time. Any damaged bins will be taken away for recycling.

There are already problems with people dumping rubbish next to public recycling points, how will you stop these new bins from attracting fly tipping?

There will be increased monitoring of the new bin hubs for fly-tipping and inappropriate use. Our environmental health team and operational staff will be visiting the new hubs on a regular basis. Any evidence of fly-tipping will be investigated to identify those who are dumping waste unlawfully. Our environmental team will also be visiting businesses to ensure appropriate waste management arrangements are in place.

Will I have a key for my bin?

Following feedback from residents in Pollokshields, it has been decided general waste bins in Hagill and Anderston will not require a key to open a general waste bin. Residents in Pollokshields will continue to require a key to open general waste bins at this time.

What will I do if I lose my key/ the bin lock gets broken?

You will be able to order a replacement key. Details on how to do this will be available in due course.

Why are the new bin hubs located on the street?

Placing bins on the street should make it safer and easier for our staff to access the bins, which will allow to be emptied more efficiently. Placing the bins on the street will also remove any obstruction from footways. We also hope the new arrangements will make it easier and more efficient for householders to dispose of their waste.

How many parking spaces will be 'lost'?

A bin hub will take up the equivalent of one and half cars. The number of parking spaces lost will vary from street to street, but there will be around one bin hub per every five closes.

How do I report fly-tipping?

You can report fly-tipping incidents on the council website, by using the MyGlasgow phone app, by using social media to contact @MyGlasgowCC or phoning our customer care centre.

What is a TTRO and why do I need to know about it?

In order to safely install the new bin hubs along the kerbline, we will need to put in place a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) which restricts parking in a specific area for a designated time. The area where we require space for bin hubs to be installed on your street will be clearly marked out with signage and cones. Please assist us with this process by ensuring you do not park your car within these highlighted areas. Parked cars will be lifted and placed in another space in the local vicinity.


Monitoring and Health and Safety

What arrangements will be made to prevent local businesses or passers by using the new bin hubs?

There will be increased monitoring of the new bin hubs for fly-tipping and inappropriate use. Our environmental health team and operational staff will be visiting the new hubs on a regular basis. Any evidence of fly-tipping will be investigated to identify culprits. Our environmental team will also be visiting businesses to ensure appropriate waste management arrangements are in place.

Will disabled residents or residents in a wheelchair be able to access the new bins?

The bin hubs will be placed on the street and will be easily accessible from the pavement. If disabled residents encounter any difficulties when using the new bins we will look at the options that improve arrangements for individual residents.

Are these changes permanent?

We are piloting new arrangements in Pollokshields and other areas of the city. No final decision on these arrangements will be taken until we have reviewed all the feedback from the pilot areas. We expect the pilot to last for a year.

I live in a conservation area, has this been considered?

Yes, we are working with colleagues in Heritage to ensure we are complying with all conservation guidelines. Visually, we hope the look of the bin hubs will be favoured over the current bins on the pavements.

How do I find out more about the bin hub pilot?

We will be sending information to all the households that will be expected to use the on-street bin hubs. Extensive information will also be available on the council website and through our social media channels. We are also planning to hold a drop-in session in Pollokshields prior to the installation so residents can speak directly to council officers. This will be highlighted within the resident information letter.


Last modified on 07 June 2024

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