Key Corporate Governance Policy Plans
Committees, Council Structure, Delegated Functions and Standing Orders
- Council and Committee Standing Orders (PDF, 176 KB) - details how we will conduct business.
- Councillors and Committees - provides a list of committees which oversee the workings of Glasgow City Council.
- Scheme of Delegated Functions (PDF, 412 KB) - details decision making roles and responsibilities.
- Contracts S0s (PDF, 421 KB) - defines how we will conduct the business of procuring works, goods and services.
The Role of the Licensing Board - sets out the licensing board's approach to the regulation of liquor licensed premises in the city.
Decision Making Arrangements (PDF, 123 KB) - the committee papers which set out the arrangements within the council to make decisions, develop policy and provide scrutiny (refer to Executive Committee Minutes 20 March 09 (PDF, 123 KB) ). This was later restructured (refer to item 3 from the link).
Financial Regulations, Management & Control - A Code of Practice May 2022 (PDF, 442 KB)
Members Code of Conduct, Register of Interests, Allowances and Expenses
- Councillors and Committees - sets out the standards of behaviour expected of councillors in Scotland.
- Councillors and Committees - required to be completed by all members giving details any directorships, other employment, properties, gifts and hospitality received (refer to each member's web page for the member's declaration of interests).
- Elected Members - shows how much councillors were paid as salaries and expenses.
Performance, Objectives and Outcomes
- Strategic Plan - outlines future plans and key objectives for the city for the next three years.
- Glasgow City Council Performance Report - provides an indication of how well the council performed against its key objectives and the council plan.
- Statutory Performance Indicators - these are determined by the accounts commission and have to be publishes by every council in September.
- Glasgow household survey - provides the results of the bi-annual household survey conducted by a market research company.
Employees code of conduct
Code of Conduct for Employees (PDF, 348 KB) - sets out the standards of behaviour expected of ours officers and also includes the guidelines on hospitality and acceptance of gifts.
Anti-bribery, Whistleblowing, Customer Feedback and Freedom of Information
- Anti - Bribery Policy - we have approved an anti-bribery policy statement.
- Whistleblowing - our policies on preventing fraud and corruption, rules and procedures, and whistleblowing and investigation procedures - outlines the methods in which our customers can send feedback about services.
- Publication Scheme and Guide to Information - our responsibilities with regard to compliance with freedom of information legislation.