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Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Transport - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the council's policy/legislative duties on home to school transport for ASL establishments?

School transport will be provided on the grounds of:

  • distance entitlement (over 1.2 miles for primary and over 2.2 miles for secondary) or
  • additional support needs.

Where a child or young person does not meet the distance criteria to receive free home to school transport, they may still be eligible based on their additional support needs.

What is changing?

We have introduced an annual assessment and application process. The new travel assessment and application process will provide the necessary details needed to make this assessment and a decision on the most appropriate form of travel assistance to meet the individual needs of each young person.

How many young people currently receive ASL home to school transport?

We provide transport for more than 2,000 children and young people who attend our ASL establishments or units on a daily basis.

My child attends a mainstream unit/school but has ASL needs, can they apply for free home to school transport?

Yes. Any child with ASL needs can apply for free home to school transport based on the criteria stated above. For more information on how to apply, please see our School Tranport page.

What are the reasons for this review?

This review was carried out to ensure our policy on ASL home to school transport fully meets the needs of our young people and equips them, where possible, with the vital independent travel skills they will need when moving on to post school destinations. We also want to support families who have encountered some challenges in relation to the availability of transport in the city post pandemic. The new and more targeted approach allows flexibility for pupils whose circumstances may change throughout their school life.

What kind of transport does the council's ASL home to school travel arrangements include?

  • Parental Contract (mileage allowance) - paying parents to take their child to school. If parents/carers opt to enter into a parental contract, they will be entitled to 45pence per mile for their journey from home to school and back twice per school day. For more information on this, please email us at
  • Escorted/non-escorted Minibus (wheelchair accessible where necessary)
  • Escorted/non-escorted Taxi (wheelchair accessible where necessary)
  • Non-escorted transport by public bus service using National Entitlement Card (NEC) travel pass or similar travel pass
  • Non-escorted transport by public rail service using rail card
  • An individual school assisted travel skills programme- bespoke to child's schools and your child's needs.


When will this new process be introduced?

The new applications and assessment process will be implemented on a phased basis. Those pupils transitioning into P1 or S1 in August 2023 will have been contacted by their child's current school to complete the relevant forms by 31 March 2023. If your child already attends an ASL establishment, this process will form part of your child's usual annual review with the school which will take place at some point in the new school term commencing August 2023.

Will parents/carers be able to appeal a decision if they don't agree with the outcome?

Yes, a request to review the decision made regarding your child's transport must be made in writing within 10 days of receipt of the outcome letter. Written submissions should be made to the Administration & Business Support Team, 40 John Street, G1 1JL.  This can also be submitted online to

Your submission should include any additional evidence to support your request for a further review.

Last modified on 22 August 2023

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