Partners and Stakeholders

Arms Length External Organisations
Information about the Arms Length External Organisation (ALEOs) networks established by the Council.
Open Government in Glasgow
Working with Open Government Partnership (OGP), local civil society organisations and other OGP members.
Community Councils
Information and guidance about Community Councils in Glasgow
Community Planning Partnership
Information about Glasgow Community Planning Partnership.
Poverty Leadership Panel
Information about the Poverty Leadership Panel and tackling poverty in Glasgow.
Glasgow's No Wrong Door Network
A growing collective of service providers and third-sector organisations based in Glasgow, dedicated to creating a better, more connected system for families experiencing poverty.
HDRC Glasgow
The NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) Glasgow is part of the NIHR and hosted by Glasgow City Council.
Participation Requests
How communities can participate in decisions and processes made and carried out by public bodies.
The Glasgow City Region City Deal
Information about The Glasgow City Region City Deal and City Deal Glasgow infrastructure and labour market projects taking place in Glasgow.