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How to book a British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreter or Translation

British Sign Language

What is British Sign Language (BSL)

British Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred language of Deaf people in the UK for whom English may be a second or third language. Sign languages are fully functional and expressive languages; at the same time they differ profoundly from spoken languages. BSL is a visual-gestural language with a distinctive grammar using handshapes, facial expressions, gestures and body language to convey meaning.

What is an Interpreter?

An interpreter is someone who is (at least) bilingual and has the ability and training to be able to work between two languages and facilitate communication between people. They are able to convert information from one language into another, for example, from English into another language or dialect. Interpreting can be face-to-face, remote video or by telephone.

What is a Translation?

Translating BSL is converting written English into BSL or vice versa, often this is recorded in a video.

What service do you need?

When organising a meeting or event, it should be standard practice to promote the availability of alternative formats or languages.  See the How To Promote Alternative Formats and Languages section for more information.

A small group or one to one meeting

This may be for a conversation with a council Service for example a Social Work meeting, a revenues and benefits appointment or Parent/Teacher meeting.

The Sign Language Interpreter Service is based within the Health and Social Care Partnership and provides independent and confidential translation services. You can find out more about this service and make a booking on our website.

Translating a query or comment received in BSL into English

If you receive a BSL video of a question or comment, you can request for this to be translated into English using theSign Language Interpreter Service based in the HSCP.  Requests can be sent to the following email address:

Telephone Calls

You can make and receive calls with Deaf BSL users via contact SCOTLAND.  This is a free online BSL interpreting video relay service for BSL users to make and receive calls with all Scotland's public bodies. More information on using the service is available on the Contact Scotland 'How To' guide and on their website.

Large Event or Workshop

For a large event or workshop you may need to arrange for an external interpreter. Interpreters have different skill sets and this should be considered when making a booking for example presenting a large scale public engagement event, a museum tour, facilitating a workshop, signing a speech. A list of registered interpreters and contact details is available on the Scottish Register of Language Professionals with the Deaf Community website.

Translating English into a BSL video for publication

This may be communicating information for how to use or make a booking for a service or for larger pieces of translated material for example a strategy or plan.


  • It is the preference of local Deaf BSL users that a Deaf BSL Presenter is used for any formal videos of translated materials.
  • A plain background should be used although a discreet logo for example the Glasgow Mark can be used.
  • Subtitles can also be included.
  • If preparing a written communication for translation you should use Plain English and be as direct and to the point as possible. Some examples of communications used for Covid messaging is available on our website here.

There is currently not a framework available of suggested providers of BSL organisations but some Glasgow based providers of the service are located at in later sections that can be contacted for a quote.

Making a booking

Once a need has been identified you should contact a potential supplier outlining the service you are looking for and a proposed timeline to ask for a quote.

Things to consider when requesting an interpreter or translation


  • Format - What is the format of the meeting for example, face-to-face, remote video or by telephone
  • Number - The number of people involved for exanple, one to one, small workshop or meeting, larger event with formal presenters
  • Content -Interpreters have different skill sets and this should be considered for example, confidential social work meeting or presenting a large scale public engagement event


  • Document- What are you translating? For example, application form, larger document
  • Content - Can the content be broken up into smaller videos for easier watching for example, by theme.
  • Format -Would you like to include subtitles; this is useful for hearing impaired people and for those who can read English. Would you like to include a logo.

Suggested request templates available in a later section.


If an individual requirement is less than £10,000, it can be sourced at the discretion of the individual. For anything between that and £50,000 it would be a request to Corporate Procurement Unit (CPU) for a quick quote. Guidance for this is available on the CPU intranet pages here.


Responsibility for providing an interpreter or translation is with the council family and not the Service User.  Interpreting and translation services should be paid from responsible programme or service budgets. Steps should be taken by budget holders to make sure that appropriate funding is available for these services.

Potential Suppliers

It should be noted that this is not a definitive list of suppliers. Alternative suppliers can be contacted.


Contact Details

British Deaf Association (Scotland)



Tel: 0141 248 5565

Deaf Action



Tel: 0131 556 3128

ITV Signpost



Suggested Request Templates


Format of meeting


Number of participants


Content of meeting



Type of document


Content of document


Format required


Last modified on 22 November 2023

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