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How to use Contact Scotland and receiving a call

British Sign Language

What is Contact Scotland?

Contact SCOTLAND-BSL is a Scottish Government service that connects Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users throughout Scotland with an online BSL interpreting video relay service with all of Scotland's public authorities and voluntary organisations (Third Sector) and now beyond.

You can watch the short 5 minute video on Contact SCOTLAND here.

When receiving a call from Contact SCOTLAND, the call should be answered as any call, the interpreter will identify themselves and explain their role and how the service operates and you can continue the call as usual.

Verifying a call

If there is a situation where you need to verify an interpreter for example, discussing account details, you can ask them to confirm they are a registered interpreter by asking for their registration number.

Interpreters will be registered with either the Scottish Association of Sign Language Interpreters (SASLI) or the National Registers of Communication Professional working with Deaf Deafblind people (NRCPD), you can confirm their credentials by checking the aforementioned websites or by calling 07970 848 868.

OFCOM has issued guidance's for services who receive third party calls, this can be accessed here.

Further Information

Further information on Contact SCOTLAND is available on their website.


Last modified on 22 November 2023

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