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Journeyshare is a system to help staff match up their journeys with work colleagues.

This provides a number of benefits, including:

  • sharing of fuel and parking costs
  • reduction of pollution and carbon dioxide emissions
  • helping you to feel safer when travelling

If you want to Journeyshare, you can also team up for walking, or cycling, you can use the public page or you can use the Glasgow City Council Closed Group to start sharing your journey with other council employees.

The closed group is if you prefer to share with a Glasgow City Council colleague but you can opt in or out of this as you please.

The public group will have more participants and it is more likely to find a journeyshare partner close to you.

Driving/Car Sharing

If you currently drive to work each day, it's possible that someone else is making the same or a very similar journey to you.

Journeyshare allows you to share the costs of fuel and parking, and includes a calculator for working out your share of the costs. 

Less traffic means you get there quicker! As well as saving you money, sharing your journey will also help to reduce the amount of traffic on the road with a reduction in pollution and CO2.

Walking and Cycling

With Journeyshare, you can find walking and cycling buddies with similar travel requirements.

This can:

  • improve safety
  • provide company
  • give support to those new to cycling

Journeyshare is flexible - you can specify multiple journeys and don't need to make the same one each day.


To gain access to the closed group you need the password L1ftshar3-AG. For security purposes please do not share this password with anyone who is not employed by Glasgow City Council.

  • You can also access the website from home.

Register now!

Last modified on 24 November 2023

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