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Did you know that 44% of Glasgow residents didn't have a car or light van in their household in 2022.

Choosing more sustainable ways to travel can:
Save you money  |  Reduce your carbon footprint  |  Keep you healthy  |  Improve your neighbourhood

That's why we're committed to making it easier to travel more sustainably for everyday journeys.

Driving Information

Information on Driving Responsibly, Car Share and Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Car Club

Information on what Co-wheels Car Club is, how it works and how you can join.

Electric Vehicle Charging

Information on Electric Vehicle Charging

Park and Ride

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport's information to help you find your nearest park and ride facility.


Information on Car Parks, Parking Zone Permits, PCN's, Disabled Parking, Suspension/Dispensation, Parking Controls and Abandoned Vehicles.


Information on Traffic Regulation Orders, Public Roads, Road Safety, Road faults, Lighting faults, Maintenance and Clyde Tunnel.

Glasgow's Low Emission Zone

Information on Glasgow's Low Emission Zone. Does your vehicle comply?

Locate Bus and Taxi Lanes

Online Map of Bus and Taxi Lanes in the City.

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