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Driving Information

General driving information can be found here:

Responsible Driving

Reducing car journeys in Glasgow is vital for tackling climate change. Glasgow has a target to reduce car vehicle kilometres by at least 30% by 2030.

Net Zero Nation provides everyone with information to travel less by car.

Driving efficiently helps:

  • Keep vehicles working for longer
  • Saves money on fuel and maintenance
  • Reduces damage to the environment

The Energy Saving Trust's webpage shared how to do this simply in their Efficient Driving Guide.

For simple everyday journeys, try and choose a sustainable transport option. Click on the links below to learn how sustainable travel can benefit you.


Driving Safely

The Highway Code shares advice and mandatory rules which you must follow when driving on public roads.

Major changes were introduced to the Highway Code on 29 January 2022 and these are covered on UK Government's webpage.

Changes include:

  • Hierarchy of Road Users
  • People crossing the road at junctions
  • Walking, cycling or riding in shared spaces
  • Positioning in the road when cycling
  • Overtaking when driving or cycling
  • People cycling at junctions
  • People cycling, riding a horse and driving horse-drawn vehicles on roundabouts
  • Parking, charging and leaving vehicles

Visit Road Safety Scotland and Glasgow's Road Safety pages for information on how to stay safe on Glasgow's Road.

Car Sharing and Hire

Glasgow City Council provide a car club if you need access to a car or van for short trips or occasional use.

Joining Glasgow's Car Club service offers numerous advantages:

  • Cost Saving: Pay for a vehicle only when you need it. There is also no need to purchase, maintain or insure your own car.
  • Environmental Benefits: Sharing helps reduce the number of vehicles on Glasgow's roads and fewer vehicles means less pollution from exhausts, tyres, and manufacturing.
  • Hassle-Free Use: Vehicles can be booked day or night and returned to a dedicated car club space. No need to waste time looking for a residential parking space.
  • Convenient: Vehicles are located throughout the city so that they are easy to reach.

Glasgow's Car Club offers vehicles of different sizes, for different purpose and many are low emission. Membership enables access across the UK, with an easy booking and car access system.

For longer vehicle rental periods, local car rental providers may offer better value.

Journey Sharing

Car sharing, historically informal among friends, is now streamlined by websites offering advanced journey matching for various travel needs. This can help access to areas that are less well served by public transport and where street space for parking is limited.

By sharing you will be:

  • Saving money
  • Reducing carbon emissions
  • Cutting congestion
  • Enabling more street space to be used for purposes other than parking

Various car-sharing platforms are available and it is also worthwhile exploring opportunities with people from your workplace, organisation or group.

Visit Strathclyde Partnership for Transport's (SPT) webpage for information on the JouneyShare initiative.

JourneyShare's savings calculator helps you understand how much money you could save.

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Electric vehicles offer zero emissions at use and reduce noise pollution from exhausts. The mileage range has vastly increased over recent years and there are now many more charging facilities.

Visit Glasgow's Electric Vehicle Charging page for more information.

For more information on Electric Vehicles visit Energy Saving Trust's website.




Last modified on 02 May 2024

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