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Mentor Stories - Kathryn Farrow

Kathryn Farrow is a Quality Improvement Officer in Education Services; she started mentoring with MCR Pathways six years ago. She recently finished her mentoring journey with Cara who left school this year to begin college.

Kathryn said "I started mentoring as there was a lot of encouragement from our senior leadership team in Education to get involved, a lot of whom were mentors themselves. Volunteering was always something I'd been interested in but with a full-time job and family commitments I wasn't sure I had the time. However, our senior leadership team led by example -making time in their busy schedules to mentor. This really inspired me and so I decided to get involved. I requested to mentor in a school a short drive from my house and the mentoring session itself is only an hour each week, so the time commitment is not huge. It's the most enjoyable hour in my week- I really look forward to it!

Kathryn and Kara with Charlie the dog
"I started mentoring Cara three years ago, we kept in touch virtually during lockdown. When we were allowed to have socially distanced meetings, we had some outdoor catch ups and I'd bring along my Bichon Frise, Charlie. Cara loves dogs so she enjoyed having him join us, he really lifted her spirits.

"Although Cara recently left school we've kept in touch and at our last official session she gave me a card and a bunch of flowers to show her appreciation for encouraging and believing in her which was really touching. It just shows how as little as an hour a week can have such a big impact on a young person. I'm grateful I got the opportunity to be Cara's mentor, knowing I've helped her is very rewarding. It's been a real privilege to be a part of her journey.

"I'd encourage anyone to consider becoming a mentor it's not a massive time commitment and by choosing a school near your home or workplace you can make it work. The support you get from MCR, especially the in-school coordinator is fantastic. They are always there should you need any advice.

Cara who is soon to embark on a college course studying music and business, said "Kathryn has been a great support over the last three years, especially during exam time when I was feeling stressed. Because her own daughters had been through it, she knew how I was feeling.

Kara giving Charlie the dog a high five
"Speaking to her once a week helped clear my mind and keep me calm, we would chat about what Netflix shows we were watching and what we'd been up to, nothing ever felt forced.

"I loved when Kathryn brought, her dog Charlie to our meetings during lockdown, I am a massive dog lover so was always really excited to see him as well as Kathryn.

"I'm about to start college and hope one day to be a music producer. I'll keep in touch with Kathryn and let her know how I'm doing. I've really appreciated her support over the past three years."

Last modified on 18 April 2024

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