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REDUCE - tips on saving energy and being energy efficient

Every act we take makes a difference - we are all part of the solution

There are numerous ways in which we can make small behavioural changes to make our homes and our lives more sustainable - from small habits in our daily lives to slightly larger investments. Every action we take can help make a real difference to protect our planet as well as reducing our energy bills.

Here you will find some top tips to help you get started and make small behavioural changes to become environmentally conscious and live more sustainably.

Taking these actions each day will help them to become a habit and then come naturally - to benefit both yourself and the environment.

What is the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency ?

One of the key sustainable habits you can start to embrace is about how to conserve energy and become energy efficient. But what's the difference?

Both are about saving energy, wasting fewer resources and reducing our carbon footprint. However, there is a key difference:

Energy efficiency is generally concerned with technology. For example, an energy-efficient  fridge freezer uses far less energy than an old-style refrigerator. And an LED light bulb uses less energy to produce the same amount of light as an old incandescent.

Efficiency is simply about using improved technology to waste less energy.

Energy conservation on the other hand, relates to behaviour- like turning off the lights when you leave a room, or unplugging at the wall, rather than leaving appliances on standby. These are the habits we all need to start taking naturally so that collectively we are helping to protect our planet and individually we can benefit from lower bills.

Saving energy can reduce air and water pollution and conserve natural resources, which in turn creates a healthier living environment for people everywhere.

Key ways to save energy at home

There are many ways you can save energy - ranging from some simple tasks by adjusting your day to day behaviour to some more intensive home improvements:

  • turn your lights off when you leave a room - make this become a basic habit and save on your energy costs

  • switch off standby appliances - do not leave devices on standby but rather unplug them and save your electricity bill, and the planet.

  • turn your heating down - keep your thermostat at a low temperature, it can make a big difference and save your energy costs. Using a programmable smart thermostat is even better. Wear layers if needed to keep warm.

  • hang clothes to dry instead of using a drier - which is an energy intensive appliance

  • replace your lightbulbs - use energy efficient LED lighting where possible

  • reduce your water consumption - take a quick shower instead of a bath, use just the required amount of water while cooking and turning off running taps when unused even for seconds.

  • plan meals in advance - if you need to use something from the freezer take it out with plenty of time to thaw so that you can avoid using the microwave to defrost it.

  • defrost your fridge and freezer regularly - the more they ice up, the harder they have to work, and the more energy they use. 

  • use solar powered devices - making small shifts and using more solar-powered electronics can go a long way and can also lower your maintenance and replacement costs of such electronics.

  • install smart meter - to help you monitor real time use and identify where you can reduce it.

  • wash clothes at a lower temperature - using a cooler temperature and with a full load, will save a lot of water and electricity.

  • cook with the lid on pans - you are making sure to lessen the cooking time and use water more efficiently.

  • switch to energy efficient appliances -for example fridges are energy intensive and an efficient model can cut your energy use in half.

  • bleed your radiators regularly - it will keep them working more efficiently.

  • make sure your home is properly insulated -both loft and wall insulation can reduce your energy bills and help in lowering your consumption, especially in the case of older homes that are not constructed in an energy-efficient manner.

  • install double glazing - it can significantly reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from heating and cooling thereby reducing your carbon footprint and also lowering your energy bills.

For more great ideas visit

Key ways to save energy in the office

  • turn off computer monitors on standby

  • turn off lights when you leave an empty room

  • dress for the season - to reduce use of air conditioning or need for heaters

  • coffee break - make a cuppa for the team so that you are only boiling the kettle once!

  • if you notice your windows aren't air tight - let Facilities Management team know so any drafts can be looked at.


Learn from your lounge with GOLD - top tips on energy efficiency at home

  • Our Energy Efficiency at Home course on GOLD can help you understand how you can save energy, reduce your fuel costs and tackle climate change.
  • It will also give you an overview of the various sources of advice and financial support.
  • GOLD can be accessed from any device at anytime to suit your personal circumstances:
  • Login and take part here  
  • For support on logging into GOLD from home read our frequently asked questions


Get in touch - how are you saving energy?

Do you have any creative ways to save energy?  Share your ideas and let us know at

Last modified on 29 April 2024

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