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REDUCE - key tips to reduce your carbon footprint

Every act we take makes a difference - we are all part of the solution

There are numerous ways in which we can make small behavioural changes to make our homes and our lives more sustainable - from small habits in our daily lives to slightly larger investments.

Reducing your carbon footprint can help you live a healthier lifestyle, as well as save you money. Whether it's cleaner air, a healthier diet, or reduced energy bills, these benefits of reducing your carbon footprint also mean you're doing your bit to combat climate change.

Every action we take can help make a real difference to protect our planet as well as reducing our carbon footprint.

This page provides some top tips on how you could make a change today including:

  • reducing your car use
  • reducing your meat consumption
  • read more on reducing your household food waste 

Reduce your car use - the benefits and top tips for active travel

We can participate in active travel by making our journeys by walking, wheeling or cycling instead of using a car. It has never been easier to do so in Glasgow because the majority of the 'Spaces for People' measures that were introduced at the start of Covid have now been made permanent. This includes widened footways, road closures and segregated cycle lanes (more information can be found here.)

Why is it important?

Active Travel helps to decarbonise transport systems and improve air quality in towns and cities. Over half the journeys we make in Scotland are under 5km so if we walk, wheel or cycle instead of taking the car for these shorter journeys, we'll be playing our part in helping Scotland reach its net zero target emissions. By choosing to walk, wheel or cycle just one mile a week instead of driving, then you would save 26kg of carbon dioxide a year!

Active travel also has plenty of personal benefits too and as well as being a key part of leading a healthier lifestyle, it is cheaper and often faster than trying to navigate congestion in the city- so it can save you both money and time!

Top tips to get involved in active travel

The following ideas can help you make the switch to ditch the car for shorter journeys:

  • SPT Journeyshare can helps you match your journey with another commuter - to help share fuel and parking costs and reduce pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. Enter your journey details online and find someone to share your lift with.
  • Join a local cycling club to get involved in activities or ask colleagues, who regularly cycle to work, about forming a 'Bicycle User Group'- to help support council cycling intitiatives.
  • Visit Paths for All for inspiration to walk your way to a happy and healthier you. Includes key information on active travel for commuting and also locating walks in your area.


Reduce your meat in-take - top tips for a healthier you and a healthier planet!

The production of meat is one of the biggest contributors to climate change and the pollution of landscapes and waterways.

Raising cows, pigs and chickens generates as much greenhouse gas as all cars, trucks and automobiles combined!

Shifting our diets to reduce meat consumption and incorporate more plant-based foods is essential to combatting climate change, soil, air and water pollution as well as other problems caused by industrial livestock.

What are the benefits to me from eating less meat?

If you eat fewer meals with meat or dairy it can not only have a huge impact on the planet but also on our collective health.

A diet heavy in meat increases risk of obesity, cancer and heart disease.

By reducing your consumption of meat you can reduce your risk and improve your health.

Top tips to help you eat less meat

  • Think about having a vegetarian meal a couple of times a week and source ingredients that are in season and grown locally.
  • Make fresh fruit and vegetables a bigger part of your diet. Grow your own vegetables - create a small space in your garden or in a window box on a balcony
  • Consider plant-based meat, there are so many alternatives replicating the taste and texture which is ideal for those who struggle with the idea of giving up meat. It makes it easy to just substitute these in your favourite recipes.
  • Buy or borrow a vegetarian or plant-based cookbook- a quick flick through will give you loads of ideas for new dishes to try.
  • The easiest way to eat less meat is to add more grains, pulses or vegetables to your plate- you'll get used to eating less meat and better at eating a higher volume of plant-based foods.


Got an idea or a great recipe - get in touch

If you have any ideas on how to reuse leftover food or have examples of great meat-free recipes please get in touch with us at so we can share them with your colleagues.

920,000 tonnes of food is wasted by outlets in the UK hospitality sector each year- 75% of which is avoidable and could have been eaten. Launched during COP26 'Plate up for Glasgow' is a pilot campaign to coincide with COP26 tp encourage local restaurants, cafes, bars and takeaways to think about ways in which they could take action to reduce food waste in the city. Led by the Chamber of Commerce and funded by Experience Glasgow Food and Drink Regional Group, the campaign aims to encourage local hospitality businesses in the city to act upon the global issue of food waste and the impact on climate change.


Some of the city's best chefs will share tips on how to reduce waste and highlight the benefits of buying locally and seasonally.


How you can get involved

By supporting the venues participating.

Food and drink hero- show case a waste reduction technique created specifically to send as little food waste to landfill as possible.

The venues participating in the pilot can be viewed on the plate up for Glasgow website (insert link). They have committed to offer diners at least one low waste option for the duration of the campaign (1-12 November) turning surplus into delicious meals or drinks


Last modified on 25 April 2024

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