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Your words can change the world - start a climate conversation today!

84% of people in Scotland are concerned about climate change, but talking about it can help create more empowerment and provide a sense of unity and community (Ipsos, 2020).

We all need to talk about climate change. It is happening now and affecting the day to day lives of people around the world, including in Scotland.

We know that climate change can be a hard thing to talk about, so the Scottish Government have created a pack which outlines the important information you need to get you started. It provides the opportunity to get to grips with all things climate change and identify topics and conversation starters that you can weave into your daily conversations, whether that's around the kitchen table, on social media, at work, school or with friends.

Starting these conversations can help empower others to do the same and provide a sense of unity and community, but remember, it can be a challenging and emotional subject to bring up. No one should feel blamed, attacked, criticised or judged when talking about climate change. We should always be mindful of where people are coming from - economically, societally, and emotionally.

The pack includes key information on climate change generally, plus key lifestyle areas where you can make a difference, specifically around the way you travel, the food you eat, the things you buy, how you heat your home and ways to protect nature.

It can be overwhelming to know what area is best to focus on, so choose the one that interests you the most and try using a couple of the talking points in some future conversations. Then, when you're ready, try expanding your knowledge on different topics.

Access and read the pack here

Last modified on 30 April 2024

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