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Scottish Independence Referendum 2014

Scottish Independence Referendum 2014


Referendum question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"

Glasgow Result

 Number of Votes
The number of votes cast in favour of YES was194,779
The number of votes cast in favour of No was169,347
Referendum statistics
Total electorate486,221
Percentage poll75.00%
Breakdown of rejected papers
Want of official mark8
Voting for both answers to the question asked103
Writing or mark by which voter could be identified26
Unmarked or void for uncertainty401
Total rejected papers538

The Scottish independence referendum count in Glasgow was split into eight mini-counts that were aligned to the Scottish parliamentary constituencies in the city.

These mini-counts were completed before the final result for Glasgow was declared. The results for each of these mini-counts are available below.

Verification reports per mini count (PDF) [89KB] (opens new window)

Referendum Mini-Counts (PDF) [35KB] (opens new window)

Last modified on 07 May 2024

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