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Book of Charges

Cemeteries and Cremations

Inc VAT where
appropriate £
CEMETERIESPurchase of exclusive right of burial (Lair)Each1511.00
 Purchase of exclusive right of Ashes burial (Ashes only Lair)Each697.00
 Purchase of a Family Lair (2 infant/baby coffins then up to 6 Ashes Caskets - Cardonald Cemetery)Each842.00
 Duplicate or Transfer of Lair CertificateEach38.00
INTERMENTS Adult (18 years and over)Each1125.00
 Under 18 yearsEachNo Charge
 Double intermentEach563.00
 - 2nd and subsequent coffins 
 Vault or Crypt IntermentEach*P.O.A.
 Interment of cremated remains  331.00
OTHER CHARGESFeasibility Study/Certificate as required for an ExhumationEachP.O.A
 Memorial PermitEach77.00
 Out of Hours SurchargeEach120.00
 Search of recordsEach81.50
 Admin chargeEach28.00
CREMATIONS18 years and over Each849.00
 Direct CremationEach389.00
 Under 18 years EachNo Charge
 Double cremationEach425.00
- 2nd and subsequent coffin 
MEMORIAL SERVICE Single Memorial service Each184.00
(Chapel service only)Double Memorial service Each277.50
OTHER FEESDisposal of cremated remains from other crematoriaEach95.00
 Wooden Grave LinerEach255.00
 Strip Foundation C/W Permit Each



(1) Effective from 8th April 2024

* P.O.A. = Price on Application.


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