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Current Consultations

The table below contains details of consultations which are currently open for participation 

Consultation NameDescriptionEnd DateContactTake Part

Glasgow Visitor Levy Scheme

The Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act 2024 gives local authorities in Scotland the power to introduce a levy that is charged on the purchase of overnight accommodation at a percentage rate.

A local authority can determine a number of elements of the Visitor Levy Scheme, including percentage rate set, geographical area where it applies and local exemptions for paying the levy.  After initial discussions with a number of key business sectors across Glasgow, the Council would like to gather the views and opinions of all stakeholders, residents and visitors on the proposal which has been developed.

2 May to survey
Over provision of Private Hire Cars and Unmet Demand of Taxi Services

As part of the ongoing review of civic licensing policy, Glasgow City Council, as the Licensing Authority, is seeking views on whether policies limiting the number of taxis and private hire cars in the city are still necessary and proportionate and whether they continue to be in the public interest. 

The outcome of the consultation will help inform the members of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee in determining whether they wish to maintain either or both of the current policies, and if so, whether to proceed to carry out the review of demand that is due to commence in June 2025 in relation to the number limitations contained therein. 

28 May to survey
Connecting Yorkhill and Kelvingrove

Connecting Yorkhill and Kelvingrove is an active travel project which aims to make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to walk, wheel and cycle in the area as well as improve the quality of public spaces. In 2024 we asked for your opinions on the Concept Design work for Phase 2 Yorkhill South and Phase 3 Kelvingrove; we have taken your feedback on board and have made amendments to the design as requested by residents and visitors to the area. We are also looking for your opinions on the Concept Design that has been created for Phase 4 Corunna Street / Minera Street.

We would like to ask you whether our new designs accurately reflect what you asked to see for this area. Your survey responses will help shape the final design.

27 April 2025

Link to survey

Connecting Greater Govan - Yellow package Consultation

Following our previous communications regarding the Red Package, we are pleased to inform you that Glasgow City Council is now moving forward with the consultation phase for the Yellow Package of Connecting Greater Govan.  Proposals aim to enhance active travel infrastructure and improve the overall accessibility and safety of Greater Govan.  This section provides detail on the designs which have been developed for the Yellow Package. 

Proposed designs for the Yellow Package include:

  • Skipness Drive (north), Moss Road, Peninver Drive, Burghead Place 
  • Skipness Drive (south), traffic-free path adjacent to A739 
  • Tormore Street, Berryknowes Road 
  • Langlands Road, Harmony Row, Burleigh Street, Water Row 
  • Arklet Road, Nimmo Drive, Craigton Road, Jura Street 
  • Dumbreck Road 

Connecting Greater Govan poster (PDF, 1 MB)

30th March 2025


Survey link


Last modified on 19 March 2025

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