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Cowlairs Regeneration

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Cowlairs Regeneration Project which is part of the Glasgow North priority area for regeneration consists of developing 850 new homes which will include 200 for Mid Market Rent.

Cowlairs is a 30 hectare site that lies between Possilpark and Keppochhill Road and is made up of long-term Council owned derelict land comprised of former tenement housing and Keppoch Primary School campus, vacant sports pitches and Cowlairs Park.


Cowlairs Project Team has produced the Cowlairs Masterplan Report to promote a vision and place principles to guide the redevelopment of the site.  The masterplan report has been informed by extensive community and stakeholder engagement work over a 2 year period. 

The masterplan for the Cowlairs area will provide a residential led neighbourhood of mixed tenure housing supported by new commercial uses, open space and water management networks. 

As well as providing new homes the purpose of the masterplan is to help establish Possilpark as a local town centre by bringing new homes to the area and increasing the footfall.

The masterplan will sow the seeds and set out the placemaking principles that will allow the new homes to integrate into the existing neighbourhood.


St Teresa's Primary School Pupils Manifesto for Change in Cowlairs

The Club of Nature: A Manifesto from Saffy Setohy on Vimeo.

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Last modified on 29 April 2024

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