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Job Evaluation

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These webpages provide you with information about Job Evaluation including the latest news in the communication section below.

The job evaluation process in the council involves evaluating each job, based on the demands of the role, to make sure it is fairly ranked. The rank order of jobs will then support the work to design a new pay and grading scheme, which will be a separate project, and make sure that everyone is paid equally for equal work.


Much of this involves your participation in the interview process. If selected, this is your opportunity to tell the Job Evaluation Team about your job.

Every job will be evaluated but we won't have to interview everyone in the council. The most common jobs in the council (benchmark jobs) will be evaluated first, followed by secondary benchmark jobs (broadly similar work) and unique jobs (carried out by one person or only a few people).

The job evaluation methodology the council has chosen is the SJC Job Evaluation Scheme Third Edition. This is the scheme used by the majority of Scottish councils to assess jobs to comply with the Equality Act 2010.



About the job evaluation scheme

You can read the ACAS guidance to Job Evaluation here and the practice manual of the SJC JE Scheme third edition here (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window) including the definition of the 13 scheme factors.

These are the various questionnaires that will be used for interviews:
Job Evaluation Questionnaire - Full Version (Word doc, 156 KB)
Job Evaluation Questionnaire - Reduced version (Word doc, 106 KB)
Job Evaluation Questionnaire – No Questions Version (Word doc, 64 KB)


Steps to job evaluation

When evaluating the jobs the following principles will apply:

  • Evaluate jobs not people
  • Assume the job holder is fully competent, do not consider the individual's performance
  • Evaluate jobs as they are now, not as they were or might be
  • Evaluate job content, not perceptions or desired levels of pay or importance.

The main steps to evaluate all jobs in the council are explained below. 

Step 1 - list all the jobs

Gather information about all jobs in the council from role profiles and service managers then categorise the jobs into groups: benchmark, generic and unique jobs.

Step 2 - gather information

Job holders will be asked to describe what their job involves in an interview with a job analyst. The information will be captured using an electronic questionnaire.

The paper questionnaire will also be used in the interview together with any other supporting evidence the job holder wants to bring.

Step 3 - consistency checking

Job analysts will use all the information gathered about jobs to make sure the job facts are consistent.

A job overview document is created for each job from all the information gathered.

All the same jobs are covered by a single job overview, unless the job is unique which will have its own job overview.

Step 4 - check the facts

Line managers are then asked to check the facts in the job overview documents for the jobs in their area.

The job holders who were interviewed will also be asked again to check the facts in the job overview.

Step 5 - evaluation of jobs to create a rank order

All jobs evaluations are agreed by the Operational Steering Group including representatives from the council family and trade unions.

Jobs are then placed in a rank order according to the overall demands placed on the job holders as determined by the evaluation process. This provides a basis for a fair and orderly grading structure.

Step 6 - Appeals process

Everyone will have the opportunity to appeal their job outcome.


Job Categories


Questions and Answers

Frequently asked questions will be published on this page.


Meet the Job Evaluation Team

A Job Evaluation Team has been set up to carry out interviews with staff. You can find out who's in the team here (PDF, 226 KB).


The Operational Steering Group

An Operational Steering Group, consisting of Management representatives and Trade Union representatives from every part of the council family, will oversee the process. The employee briefing has been produced by the steering group. Minutes from the steering group will also be published on this page.

You will find the OSG Terms of Reference (PDF, 227 KB) here.


OSG Minutes








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    Last modified on 21 March 2025

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