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your 2024 inclusion calendar

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2024 Inclusion Calendar

Supporting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion banner

Being mindful of diverse holidays, cultural events, religious celebrations, wellbeing awareness dates and associated training - is key to helping create an inclusive workplace.

The following information highlights important themes and dates each month and supports our diversity, cultural, equality and health and wellbeing initiatives. We hope you find it a useful resource to support one another and celebrate key dates.

Join us

  • Key dates below may be linked to associated free staff training sessions or events to support personal development for that month. 
  • These dates will be highlighted in blue and when clicked will open up the dedicated Join us - staff training and events with the session summary and registration details. It includes lots of equality, diversity, health and wellbeing training each month - so you are encouraged to regularly check what is on offer! 
  • Check out what training is on this month at Join Us


September - World Alzheimer's Month

Dementia and Alzheimers Month - September 2024

Awareness and events

Month - World Alzheimer's 

Month - World Dementia Awareness 

Month - Pain Awareness 

5 - International Day of Charity 

8 - International Literacy Day 

10 - World Suicide Prevention Day 

18 - International Equal Pay Day 

19 - Youth Mental Health Day 

23 to 29 - National Eye Health Awareness Week 

23 - Bi Visibility Day, International Day of Sign Languages and UK National Incusion Week begins 


15 - Mawlid al-Nabi (Islam)

17 - Anant Chaturdashi (Hindu)


October - Black History Month

Black History Month - October 2024

Awareness and events

Month - Stoptober 

Month - Breast Cancer Awareness 

Month - Down Syndrome Awareness 

Month - Cholesterol Awareness 

Month - Menopause Awareness 

Month - UK Black History 

Month - Global Diversity 

1- International Day of Older Persons 

2 - International Day of Non-Violence 

8 - World Dyslexia Day

9 to 15 - Baby Loss Awareness Week 

10 -World Mental Health Day 

17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 

18 - World Menopause Day and International Pronouns Day 


31 - Diwali begins (Hindu, Sikh and Jain) 


November - Men's Health Month

Movember 2024

Awareness and events

Month - Movember - Men's Health Awareness 

Month - Lung Cancer Awareness 

Month - Pancreatic Cancer Awareness 

4 -9 - National Talk Money Week 

8 - Intersex Day of Solidarity 

11 - Armistice Day 

12 - Remembrance Sunday 

13 - World Kindness Day 

17 - International STAND UP to Bullying Day 

18- 24  - Self-Care Week 

19 - International Men's Day 

20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance 

25 - 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence 


15 -  Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev (Sikh)

27 - Gurpurab (Sikh)


December - International Human Rights Month

International Human Rights Month - December 2024

Awareness and events

Month - Aids Awareness 

Month - Universal Month for Human Rights

1- World Aids Day 

2 - International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

3 - International Day for Persons with Disabilities 

10 - International Human Rights Day 

18 - International Migrants Day 

20 - International Human Solidarity Day


25 - Christmas Day (Christian)

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Last modified on 10 September 2024

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