Policy, Planning and Strategy
We operate our service delivery programme against a defined set of policies and strategies. As well as conforming to legislative aspects, we maintain awareness and input into the broader aspects of policy making in public services and community development - often working in partnership with Government, other public bodies, and the private sector.
We provide a wide range of specific services (Education, Planning, Social Work, Cleansing etc) but there are also a number of issues which require a corporate approach. These include:
- Equalities
- Best Value
- Performance management
- The Glasgow household survey
- Health improvement
- Gaelic
The Chief Executive, as principal policy advisor, has responsibility for providing a corporate policy and strategic lead. Sometimes individual services are requested to take the lead on relevant issues.
Strategic policy and planning within Chief Executive's Office has the lead responsibility for several key policy areas; develops relevant strategies to handle significant policy issues and supports both senior elected members and our corporate management team and extended corporate management team.