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City Property (Glasgow) LLP

What is it?

City Property (Glasgow) LLP is a subsidiary company that was incorporated on 17 February 2009.  It was formed to manage and dispose of our surplus properties.  They have not been consolidated into our group annual accounts as they are considered immaterial to the understanding of the accounts.

Current Annual Accounts

2020 - 2021 (PDF) [187KB]

Archived Annual Accounts

  2019 - 20 (PDF) [231KB]

  2018 - 19 (PDF) [392KB]

2017 - 18 (PDF) [221KB]

2016 - 17 (PDF) [172KB]

2015 - 16 (PDF) [172KB]

2014 - 15 (PDF) [169KB]

Last modified on 01 May 2024

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