Business Support and Funding

Starting or Growing a Business
Advice and guidance on Starting or Growing a Business.
Recruiting for a Business
Advice and guidance about Recruiting for a Business.
Digital Expert Support
Advice and guidance for expert digital support.
Tech Smart Programmes
Information about the Tech Smart Rent Subsidy, Tech Smart Meetup Subsidy and Tech Smart Ecosystem Event Programmes.
Glasgow Business Growth Phase 3
Funding support available to SMEs through the Glasgow Business Growth Phase 3 Programme.
Green Business Grant
Green Business Grant helps local companies transition to Net-Zero, reduce their energy costs and become more resilient to climate change.
Business Gateway Webinars/Events
Link to Business Gateway Webinars and Events providing advice and support to existing and new businesses who want to start a business in Glasgow.
Find Business Support
Information about funding and services offered by public sector organisations across Scotland.
Scotland Loves Local Gift Card
Information about the Scotland Loves Local Glasgow Gift Card.
Supplier Development Programme
SDP is for small to medium sized businesses that employ less than 250 members of staff and supported businesses.
External Agencies and Partners
Information about the various partners and stakeholders we work with.