Sustainable Transport Projects

We are continuing to develop and expand its cycle route network and associated infrastructure. This page will detail projects in development and future projects.
East City Way
Information on the East City Way project.
West Nile Street Active Travel Route
Information on the West Nile Street Active Travel Route.
North East Active Travel Routes
North East Active Travel Routes
Connecting Battlefield
Link to Connecting Battlefield Storymap.
Connecting Woodside
Information on Raeberry Street, North Woodside Road Junction and St George's Road.
Report a Network Problem
Report existing network problems that needs maintenance.
Sustainable Transport Request
Require cycle parking at a destination, a drop kerb to improve the usability of a shared path, improved routes or signage, you can make a request.
Flourishing Molendinar
Information on improving walking, wheeling and cycling connections in the Blackhill neighbourhood in north east Glasgow.
Connecting Yorkhill and Kelvingrove
Information about the Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Cycling.
Old Dumbarton Road Public Realm
Information about Old Dumbarton Road Public Realm.
George V Bridge
Information on George V Bridge Active Travel Improvements.
Connecting Greater Govan
Link to Connecting Greater Govan Storymap.
Saracen Street
Information on Consultation for new active travel connections to Saracen Street.
City Deal Glasgow
Glasgow City Deal is investing £385m into the city bringing land back into use, improving connectivity, economic growth, environmental and social benefits.
Clyde Metro
Information about the Clyde Metro Team supporting the development of the Mass Transit Scheme as a key priority for future transport investment.
Liveable Neighbourhoods
Information about Glasgow's approach to blending the 20-minute neighbourhood concept with the place principle.