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Reporting a Noise Problem

Report a Noise Problem (opens new window)

Glasgow City Council no longer operates an out of hours domestic noise response service. There will be a Noise Officer available between the hours of 17.00-03.30hrs, 7 days a week to provide advice in relation to the domestic noise you are experiencing. If you would like to speak to an officer, please click on the "report noise button", complete the details and an officer will contact you. If you need an immediate response do deal with the noise you are experiencing, please call Police Scotland on 101.

The Council's noise teams can investigate noise problems in domestic and commercial properties.

If you are experiencing a noise problem you can report it using our online form. 

If someone is in danger or needs emergency assistance please call the Police on 999 or 101

You can find out how we deal with different types of noise complaint below.

Noisy neighbours

Our team deals with all types of domestic amplified noise, including things like loud music, dogs barking, DIY and musical instruments.

We cannot take formal action for noise coming from children playing, loud footsteps or where sound proofing is a factor. For these type of issues our Mediation Service can be of help.

What can the council do about noisy neighbours?

If the noise is ongoing, officers can come out to your property to measure noise levels and assess the problem to see what action is required. (All our noise officers wear plain clothes, drive unmarked vehicles and carry ID badges, so there's no need to worry about being identified as the complainer).

If the noise coming from your neighbour's property is excessive, we can issue a legal Warning Notice requiring the noise level to be reduced.

If your neighbour doesn't reduce the noise to an acceptable level, we can issue a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice. If this isn't paid, the case will be referred to the Procurator Fiscal and in extreme cases the noise making equipment could also be seized.

How do I report noisy neighbours?

Our officers are here seven nights a week from 5pm until 3am. You can contact them for advice during these hours by calling 0141 287 6688. You can also register a complaint by using our online form.

Noise from commercial premises

Our team will endeavour to respond to all noise complaints relating to:

  • Public Houses / Clubs (live bands, karaoke, discos)
  • Construction Sites
  • Alarms sounding


What can the council do about noise from commercial premises?

On receipt of a noise complaint, where possible, officers will discuss the situation with the complainant and seek to rectify justified complaints timeously. Officers may be able to provide assistance and a neutral perspective on the situation. If informal contact is unsuccessful officers have enforcement powers in terms of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to abate noise disturbance where appropriate.

Officers have the power to enter premises to carry out investigations or to arrange works to rectify a statutory nuisance. Where nuisance conditions are witnessed by officers they shall issue a statutory notice to require the removal of the nuisance within a specified timescale.

Failure to comply with a notice may result in work being carried out in default; serving a £150 (domestic)/ £400 (commercial) fixed penalty notice; or referring the matter to the Procurator Fiscal.

Please note any disturbance will have to be monitored from your property before any formal action can be considered.

How do I report noise from commercial premises?

Officers are on duty 7 days a week from 5pm to 3am and can be contacted by phoning 0141 287 1060 or by using our online form

Licensed premises

Licensed premises have a responsibility to be considerate towards neighbouring properties and these suggestions can help in reducing noise disturbance:

  • Consult with a relevant acoustic expert should you wish to introduce or significantly modify existing amplified voices or music.
  • Third parties (DJ's, Karaoke companies, bands) require to be adequately managed by the License Holder to prevent raised noise levels in their premises adversely affecting others. Care should be exercised where third parties propose to use further amplification outwith your direct control. This practice should routinely be avoided.
  • Provide suitable control on noise escape through building weak spots. For instance, noise escape through leaving doors and windows open for ventilation and through non-acoustically treated ventilation and ducts to the exterior.
  • Ensure all external fans and ventilation extraction serving your premises are turned off at the earliest opportunity. Servicing and/or acoustic treatment may also be required to reduce disturbance.

On closing premises after trading, reduce noise from activities to a minimum including lower voices and prevent the use of amplified background music, i.e. jukebox. Encourage patrons to leave premises quietly to minimise disturbance to local residents - signs to this effect may help

  • Discourage taxis from using their horns to attract the attention of your customers and staff at all times. Ask the drivers to switch off their engines while waiting for customers - signs to this effect may help.
  • Allow access to waste uplift by contractors at a time and place that causes the least disturbance. Due to the excessive noise created outwith your premises when filling and emptying a bin containing glass, please ensure that extra consideration is exercised on filling methods and waste disposal company uplift times.
  • Ensure that there are no raised voices from door persons carrying out their routine tasks.
  • Ensure members of your staff do not dispose of glass outwith the premises at times which will cause disturbance to local residents.

With the legislation relating to smoking in public places in Scotland, licensed premises should ensure that noise from smoking areas outwith the premises but used by their patrons do not cause undue disturbance to those nearby. Premises need to also consider litter and thoroughfare issues. Advice on smoking shelters is available on the Scottish Government website or contact us by email.

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Last modified on 27 February 2025

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