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Information about Enrolments, Exclusion from School, Additional Support Needs, Home Education, Specialist Provisions and more.

School Term DatesEducation Fees and ChargesCurriculum

Nursery Education

How to Apply for a Nursery Placement.

Early Learning and Childcare

Advice on Early Learning and Childcare Services.

Deferred Entry Application Process

Advice and guidance on how to defer your child from school.

Early Entry to School

Information on how apply for early entry for your child to start School.

Starting Primary School

Advice and guidance on how to enrol your child into Primary School.

Secondary Enrolment

Advice and guidance on how to enrol your child into Secondary Enrolment.

In Term Enrolment

Advice and guidance on how to enrol your child if you have moved during In Term Enrolment.

Enrolling a Child from Overseas

Advice and guidance on enrolling a child from overseas at a Glasgow School.

Placing Requests

Advice and guidance on Placing Requests.

Placing Request Appeals

Placing Request Appeals Information for Parents.

Exclusions from School

Advice and guidance on procedures governing the exclusion from school.

Additional Support Needs

Supporting children and young people who require some additional support.

Home Education

Advice for parents who wish to Home School their children.

Specialist Provision

Schools with Specialist Provisions.

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