Alcohol Licences

Alcohol Licences allow premises and individuals to sell alcohol.
The licences are issued by the City of Glasgow Licensing Board.
Alcohol Licences
Apply for a Personal, Occasional, Premises or Extended Hours Licence or Minor/Major Variation Licence and more.
Make an Objection or Representation
Information on how to make an Objection or Representation to a Premises Licence or Major Variation under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
Complaints About Licensed Premises
Information on how to complain about issues related to premises licensed to sell alcohol.
Refresher Training
Information on Refresher Training for holders of Personal Licences issued under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
Alcohol Licensing Guidance
Information on our alcohol legislation, the roles and responsibilities of the Licensing Board, LSO Officers and licence holder.
Licensing Policy Statement
Information and guidance about the Licensing Policy Statement and Overprovision Areas.