Request Carers Support for yourself Request Carers Support on behalf of someone else
Who are carers?
A carer is someone who provides care and support to a friend, family member, or neighbour when the person they care for cannot manage independently due to illness, disability, mental health issues, or addiction. For instance:
- a 16 year old looking after a parent dealing with addiction issues
- a 44 year old caring for their partner who has been diagnosed with cancer
- a 70 year old looking after her husband who has Alzheimer's disease
- parents looking after their autistic child and a frail elderly parent at the same time
Caring can be both rewarding and challenging, impacting various aspects of a carer's life. It can affect their physical and emotional well-being, finances, relationships, and daily routines.
Each family situation is unique and Glasgow's carer services can provide support that the carer sees as important to them.
In Scotland, the legal term for a friend, family member, or neighbour looking after someone is an unpaid carer. You can ask for information and advice on supports under the Carer (Scotland) Act 2016.
There are a number of services in Glasgow providing a range of supports to carers.
Carer services are sensitive to individual need, treating people with courtesy and respect, ensuring confidentiality, promoting self-determination and not creating dependency.
They include information and advice, emotional support, training and short breaks.
More information is available at Your Support Your Way Glasgow Carers.
If you are a carer, you can request carers support for yourself.
If you know someone who is a carer, you can request carer supports on behalf of someone else.
There are a number of ways to find out how to get support if you're an unpaid carer in Glasgow City
if you are a carer, you can request carers support for yourself
if you know someone who is a carer, you can request carer supports on behalf of someone else
visit Your Support Your Way Glasgow - Getting support to find contact details of your local carer centre
phone Health and Social Care Connect on 0141 287 0555
Yes. Information is available in a variety of community languages on the Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP) website. You can also phone them on 0131 467 2994.
Our Short Breaks Statement 2022-2025 (PDF, 3 MB) is now available.
It is intended to help carers and those they help care for, as well as social workers and carer support staff, to be better informed about the assistance available to help carers and their families to achieve a break from caring.
It seeks to provide information about Glasgow's approach to short breaks for carers and how they can be accessed.
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