Taxi and Private Hire Licences

The Licensing and Regulatory Committee regulates taxi and private hire car drivers and vehicles as well as booking offices.
To operate beyond the 31 May 2023 all vehicles licensed as a taxi or private hire car require to meet the Council's Low Emission Standards (LEZ) of Euro 4 for petrol, Euro 6 for diesel, electric, been retro-fitted or granted a time limited exemption.
Licence to Drive a Private Hire Car
Information on how to apply for a Private Hire Car Driver's Licence under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Licence for a Private Hire Car
Information on how to apply for a Private Hire Car Licence under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Licence to Drive a Taxi
Information on how to apply for a Taxi Driver's Licence under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Licence for a Taxi
Information on how to apply for a Taxi Licence under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Substitute Vehicle Licence
Information on how to Substitute a vehicle attached to your current licence.
Topographical Test
Information on how to apply for the Topographical Test required to become a Taxi Driver.
Booking Office Licence
Information on how to apply for a Booking Office Licence.
CCTV Taxi and Private Hire Cars
Advice and guidance on CCTV Licence for Taxi and Private Hire Cars.
Appointment of Taxi Stances
Advice on Notice of Appointment of Taxi Stances and Revocation of Taxi Stances.
Information for Passengers
About our role as regulator for taxi and private hire car drivers and vehicles as well as booking offices.
Low Emission Zones
Check if your licensed vehicle is compliant and meets the Council's Low Emission Standards (LEZ) and if not how to apply for an exemption.
Making an Objection
Guidance on making an objection or representation to an application for a licence issued under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.