Financial Procedures
Financial Budget
- Council Budget - outlines our spending plans for the year
- Annual Accounts - our most recent published audited accounts.
Risk Management
Financial Strategy and Policies
- Financial Regulations (PDF, 216 KB) - the document which details procedures, guidelines, roles and responsibilities relating to financial matters.
- Treasury Management Policy Statement and Treasury Management Strategy (PDF, 264 KB) - the policy statement provides details on the council's processes for managing cash, availability of short and long term funds, investments, interest rate and currency risks, and relationships with financial institutions. The strategy is the annual treasury management strategy report .
- Grant Administration Policy and Procedures Manual Summary (PDF, 20 KB)- summarises the grants procedures manual by which grant applications will be assessed, approved and awarded, and general monitoring arrangements of grant funding.
- Strathclyde Pension Fund Governance Arrangements - details the structure, policies, performance and decision making arrangements for the Strathclyde Pension Fund.
IT Related Policies
- Information Security Policy (PDF, 229 KB) - presents the ways in which we endeavour to protect our members, staff and the public from all information security threats
- Privacy - in relation to our website.
- Copyright and Data Protection - what we do with the information you provide.
Benefit Sanctions Policy and Panel
- Counter Fraud and Sanctions Policy - outlines the procedures to reduce the occurrence of and protect services from fraud and corruption, including housing and council tax benefit fraud.
- Terms of Reference for Sanction Panel (PDF, 50 KB) - defines the reasons for the existence of a sanctions panel, which considers the penalties to be imposed for benefit fraud.
Last modified on 01 May 2024