Entertainment Licences

The Licensing Authority is responsible for administering several different types of Entertainment Licence.
Types of entertainment licences you can apply for.
Public Entertainment Licence
Information and Guidance on Applying for a Public Entertainment Licence under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
General Event Information
Information and guidance for organisers who wish to plan a major public event in Glasgow.
Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence
Information and guidance on Sexual Entertainment Venue ("SEV") Licence.
Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence
Information and guidance on Indoor Sports Entertainment Licence.
Cinema Licence
Information and guidance on how to apply for a Cinema Licences.
Hypnotism Permit
Information and guidance for permits for exhibitions, demonstration or performances of hypnotism in public.
Making an Objection
Guidance on making an objection or representation to an application for a licence issued under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.