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Asset Management

Asset Management in Glasgow City Council

Glasgow City Council owns a large range of assets to support our delivery of services to the people of Glasgow.  This part of the website describes how we manage those assets and our activity towards improving them.

Corporate Asset Management Plan

The key document in terms of our management of assets is the Corporate Asset Management Plan, which can be seen here. This Plan sets out the corporate Asset Management vision for the Council for 2014-17 as follows:

The council will use the optimum asset portfolio to support service delivery whilst meeting its statutory obligations.

This is the council's second Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP), aligned to best practice as per "A Guide to Asset Management and Capital Planning," published by Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). The plan also aims to address the principles set out in PASS 55:2008, the revised default standard for asset management and, more recently, BS ISO 55000 (released in January 2014), which set outs the generic framework for effective asset management planning.

Physical assets within the Corporate Asset Management Plan are categorised into the seven areas defined by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. These are as follows:

There are a number of plans and policies in place around each of these asset classes as well as reported performance.  These are described for each asset class in the next section.

Progress against the CAMP is reported on an annual basis to the council's elected members through the Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee.  The latest report to this committee can be found here.

Last modified on 15 January 2024

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