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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2022 to 2027

Glasgow City Council's Strategic Plan puts the challenges and aspirations of Glasgow's people and communities at the heart of every council decision. It will shape the authority's response to the cost-of-living crisis, the climate emergency and pressures on public services, as well as increasing the prosperity and wellbeing of citizens. It will also ensure that Glaswegians are central to how the decisions affecting their communities are taken by the City Council.

The plan sets out four key challenges and more than 230 commitments on how all council services will help address, support and deliver on the city's main priorities.

The four grand challenges which have been identified are:

  • Reduce poverty and inequality in our communities
  • Increase opportunity and prosperity for all our citizens
  • Fight the climate emergency in a just transition to a net zero Glasgow
  • Enable staff to deliver essential services in a sustainable, innovative, and efficient way for our communities.

The plan outlines missions that cover ambitious aims including ending child poverty, improving the health and wellbeing of local communities, supporting residents into sustainable and fair work, delivering sustainable transport, becoming a net zero carbon city by 2030, creating safe, clean, and thriving neighbourhoods, raising attainment amongst children and young people, and running an open, well governed council in partnership with all our communities.

Glasgow City Council will revisit the plan annually to ensure it remains fit for purpose and to update commitments in line with changing circumstances.

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Last modified on 05 December 2023

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