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NDR Billing 2025/26

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Non-Domestic Rates Billing

  • What is the Rate Poundage for 2025/2026?
    • The Scottish Government have confirmed that the rate poundage for 2024/2025 will be 49.8p, with additional supplements applying to business premises with rateable values over £51,000 and £100,000 giving an Intermediate Property Rate of 55.4p and Higher Property Rate of 56.8p respectively.
  • Why haven't I received my bill yet?
    • NDR bills are being issued from 28th March and you should receive this soon after. It may take a few days for us to issue all bills so don't panic if you don't receive one straight away. You can view your new bill online at any time after 24th March through our self-service facility 
  • I don't understand the contents of my bill - how can I find out more information?
    • More information on the contents of your Rates bill can be found on our Understand my Rates Bill page. This expands upon the different information which is included on your bill.
  • My bill is higher than I was expecting - why is this?
    • There are a few reasons why the charge on your bill may be higher than anticipated. This may be due to:
      • Changes to Empty Property Relief - the Council has amended its policy on Empty Property Relief  resulting in this either no longer being applied or being applied at a lower rate to certain properties from 1st April 2024. For more information on this, please see our Empty Property Relief page
      • Reduction in the amount of Small Business Transitional Relief  - this scheme caps increases to Rates charges caused by the changes to the Small Business Bonus Scheme effective from 1st April 2023. For Ratepayers affected by this, the maximum increase possible will rise to £1800 (previously £1200 during 2024/25)
      • Reduction in the amount of Revaluation Transitional Relief - this scheme caps increases to Rates charges caused by the Revaluation effective from 1st April 2023. The cap will increase during 2025/26 resulting in a reduction in the amount of Transitional Relief applied. More information on this is available in the Revaluation Transitional Relief area of our Reliefs page 

Online Facilities

  • Can I access my Non-Domestic Rates account on line?
    • Yes. By signing up to our self-service facility, you can access details of your Non-Domestic Rates electronically at any time - 24 hours a day.  This will allow you to view how your bill has been calculated, the date and amount of payments due, total amount of payments that have been made. You can also use this facility to sign up to receive your Non-Domestic Rates bill electronically and can also download or print a copy of your bill from here.
  • How can I change to paperless billing?
    • Signing up to e-billing is simple and means that you can view your bill quickly and easily. Find out more about our online services on our Register my rates account page.



  • Can I pay Non-Domestic Rates by Direct Debit?
  • I have set up a Direct Debit to pay my Rates - how can I change my bank details or date of payment?
  • Can I make a payment by phone?
    • Yes - you can pay your bill by debit or credit card, using our automated payment line at 0141 287 0300. The line is available 24 hours, 7 days a week including public holidays.
  • Can I make a payment online?
  • Do I need to do renew my Direct Debit for my 2025/26 charge?
    • No. Your Direct Debit will continue to run uninterrupted for your 2025/26 payments.
  • What happens if I don't pay as requested?
    • If we have not received your payment on the agreed date we will send you a reminder notice requesting the missed instalments.  If you are having difficulty paying your bill you should contact us as soon as possible to request a payment arrangement.
  • What do I do if I overpaid my Rates last year?
    • If you paid too much last year you may be entitled to a refund.  The easiest way to check if your account is in credit is by signing up to our Non Domestic Rates Self Service Facility.  We will usually only issue a refund where you do not owe any other balances to the Council and will check this as a matter of course.  If you think your account is in credit and would like to request a refund please contact us.


Rates Charges and Reductions

  • Does my Rates charge include Water and Waste-Water Charges?
    • No. Your Rates do not include water and waste-water charges.  Your licensed provider will bill you separately for these.
  • Why is there is no Rates relief on my bill?
    • There are a number of different Rates relief schemes in operation.  You can find out more about what may be available to you and make an application through our Rates Relief page
  • What is the Rateable Value of my property?
    • The Rateable Value of your property is shown on your Non-Domestic Rates notice. You can also check the Rateable Value of properties on the Scottish Assessors Association website.
  • I think my Rateable Value is incorrect - how do I appeal this?
    • You must submit an appeal to the Assessor if you think the Rateable Value of your property is wrong. More information on this is available on the Scottish Assessors Association website.


Contacting Us


Last modified on 24 March 2025

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