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Transfer/Exchange of Social Rented Housing

If you want to transfer to another property with the same landlord you should contact your Landlord directly for an application form. You may also want to consider other housing associations and co-operatives.

All Scottish Secure Tenants have the right to exchange their home with another Scottish Secure Tenant, provided that both landlords give their consent. (Tenants do not have to be renting from the same landlord).

Landlords may only refuse to give consent on the following grounds:

  • one of the tenants is in the process of being evicted on conduct grounds, for example due to rent arrears or anti-social behaviour
  • one of the houses is a tied tenancy provided as part of the tenant's job
  • the house has been adapted for someone with special needs and there would no longer be a person with special needs occupying the house
  • the house would be under-occupied
  • the house would be over-occupied.


Last modified on 15 February 2023

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