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Report Environmental Issues

Report Environmental Issues (opens new window)

What can I report?

You can report the following problems:

  • Litter
  • Dog Fouling
  • Graffiti
  • Fly Posting
  • Fly Tipping (illegally dumping waste)

To report an incident online

You will need to:

  1. Have a recent version of a Internet browser software installed on your device, such as Internet Explorer 9 or Google Chrome.
  2. Click on this web link. A new window will open for My council - citizen login.
  3. If you have an account, login or to create an account (required once only), click the Register now button and fill in the registration form, click on the Register button to submit your account request.
  4. Once logged in - click on the submit report link and select the category for example dog fouling. Fill in the form and submit your report.


To report issues using our smart phone app

You can download our app from the App store and Google Play.

To report an incident by phone

You can also report an incident by phoning 0141 287 1058.

Last modified on 13 May 2024

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