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Who are we?

Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is a multi-agency group tasked by the Scottish Government with tackling alcohol and drug issues through partnership working. The ADP fulfils the formal role of a Strategic Planning Group of the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. The ADP Strategic Group is chaired by an Assistant Chief Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership.

Organisational membership includes Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services, Glasgow Community Planning Partnership, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC), Public Health, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue, Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability, Voluntary Sector Alcohol and Drug Agencies. 

People with Lived and Living Experience (LLE), including families and carers, are represented at the ADP and the ADP sub group structure. The ADP LLE Reference Groups report directly to the ADP Strategic Group. 

The ADP Strategic Group is supported by an ADP Executive Group and has five themed sub groups: 

  • Harms sub group 
  • City, Alcohol Licensing and Drug sub group 
  • Children,Young People and Families sub group 
  • Prevention and Education sub group 
  • Recovery sub group 

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