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Book of Charges




1. This document has been revised for the 20% VAT rate applicable from 1 January 2011.

All charges listed, for which VAT is applicable, include VAT at 20%.  

Charges levied to other Glasgow City Council Services will not include VAT.  

Most charges levied against other local authorities will include VAT, however some charges are exempt i.e. those relating to the recovery of employee costs.

Pre Payment

2. Pre payment of certain fees and charges is required. This relates to charges for the following items/services:

  • Hire of Glasshouses and Winter Gardens
  • Catering Concessions at Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability Parks and Events;
  • Funfairs;
  • Allotment Rentals;
  • Memorial Foundations;
  • Permits to Work;
  • Use of GCC precincts / areas for promotions.

It should be noted that the above list is neither exhaustive nor inclusive.

Commercial Lets

3. The hire of any facilities to private companies or commercial organisations may be subject to higher charges or negotiated rates at the discretion of management.

Hires Outwith Standard Opening Hours

4. The hire of facilities outwith standard opening hours or standard staff working hours may be subject to additional charges to cover the extra costs involved.

Plant and Floral Arrangements

5. All plants and containers are on hire only and must be returned complete at the end of the hire. While on hire, plants may require watering, consequently access to plant containers by Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability staff will be necessary.  Prices quoted are for the supply and collection of material within Neighbourhoods. Regeneration and Sustainability normal working hours (i.e. 8.00am - 4.30pm: Monday - Thursday and 8.00am - 3.30pm Friday).

Interior Plant Displays

6. Plant containers are fitted with a water reservoir and a gauge indicating the water level. Plant containers are available in numerous styles to meet customer requirements.

External Rates

7. External rates are applicable to other Council Services, other organisations or individuals.

Allotment Rental Charges

8. Allotment Rental Charges (inclusive of both standard and concession rate charges) are per calendar year, i.e. January to December.

Eligibility for the 'Concession Rate' Allotment Rental Charge will be determined by the 'standard' Glasgow City Council eligibility criteria for concessions (Passport rate).

Use of Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability Venues and Facilities for Filming

9. It will be necessary to take cognisance of the requirements of the 'Film Charter of the City of Glasgow' when determining the rates and the costs to be charged to filmmakers using Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability venues and facilities. The 'Film Charter of the City of Glasgow' is published by the Glasgow Film Office.

Event Equipment Hire

10. The hirer of any equipment will be held responsible for any loss or damage to equipment.

Roads and Traffic Charges

11. In the event that clarification is needed about a particular aspect of Roads and Traffic charges, this may be sought by contacting Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability Permits Reception on telephone number 0141 287 5918.



Inc VAT where appropriate £

Kibble Palace  
Hire period up to 4 hours & included cost of 2 staff members  
Monday - Saturday  Per evening1067.00
SundayPer evening1114.00
Public HolidaysPer evening1205.00
Additional charge per hourPer evening242.00
Kibble Palace   
Charges to be set by NRS Events  
South Wing of Kibble Palace (Wedding Ceremony)   
(daytime only)Per Ceremony275.00
Kibble Palace Glasshouse - For Crafts/Events   
(During Public Opening Times)  
Footpath areas in the main dome, link corridor, pond area and south wing - CommercialPer day664.00
Footpath areas in the main dome, link corridor, pond area and south wing  - Non-CommercialPer day443.00
Footpath areas in the main dome, link corridor and pond area  - CommercialPer day517.00
Footpath areas in the main dome, link corridor and pond area  - Non-CommercialPer day346.00
Footpath areas in the main dome and link corridor only  - CommercialPer day454.00
Footpath areas in the main dome and link corridor only - Non-CommercialPer day302.00
Footpath areas in the main dome and pond area only (not the link corridor or wing)  - CommercialPer day454.00
Footpath areas in the main dome and pond area only (not the link corridor or wing)  - Non-CommercialPer day302.00
Footpath areas in the main dome only  - CommercialPer day388.00
Footpath areas in the main dome only  - Non-CommercialPer day260.00
Footpath areas in the link corridor, pond area and south wing - CommercialPer day275.00
Footpath areas in the link corridor, pond area and south wing  - Non-CommercialPer day184.00
Footpath areas in the link corridor and pond area only - CommercialPer day128.00
Footpath areas in the link corridor and pond area only - Non-CommercialPer day85.00
Floor area in the south wing only - CommercialPer hour22.50
Floor area in the south wing only - Non-CommercialPer hour14.80
Floor area in the south wing only - CommercialPer day156.00
Floor area in the south wing only - Non-CommercialPer day102.00
Hopkirk Building (Commercial let)   
 - hire per hourPer hour25.00
 - per day (up to a maximum of 8 hours)Per day125.00
Hopkirk Building (non-commercial let)   
 - hire per hourPer hour14.80
 - per day (up to a maximum of 8 hours)Per day75.00
Hopkirk Building Evening Hire (Non-commercial) (max of 2.5 hours)  
 - hire per evening Per evening35.70
Library Room (Commercial let)  
 - hire per hourPer hour26.50
 - per day (up to a maximum of 8 hours)Per day130.50
Library Room  (non-commercial let)   
 - hire per hourPer hour22.50
 - per day (up to a maximum of 8 hours)Per day109.00
Key Rental (Kirklee Gate)Each20.80
Replacement KeyEach20.80


(1) Additional charges may be required to cover extra staffing costs 

(2) Accommodation hires must be paid for no later than 3 weeks in advance of date that hire is required 


Inc VAT where appropriate £
Pollok Park Car Parking - Maximum stay 8 hours  
Car Park at Burrell - hourly between the hours of 10am-6pm 1.50
Car Park at Burrell - up to 4 hours between the hours of 10am-6pm 5.00
Car Park at Burrell - 4-8 hours between the hours of 10am-6pm 10.00
Car Park at PCP Riverside - hourly between the hours of 10am-6pm 1.50
Car Park at PCP Riverside - up to 4 hours between the hours of 10am-6pm 5.00
Car Park at PCP Riverside  - 4-8 hours between the hours of 10am-6pm 10.00
Car Park at Nether Pollok - hourly between the hours of 10am-6pm 1.50
Car Park at Nether Pollok  - up to 4 hours between the hours of 10am-6pm 5.00
Car Park at Nether Pollok - 4-8 hours between the hours of 10am-6pm 10.00
Wedding Photography (1)  
Botanic Gardens, Winter Gardens (Glasgow Green), Queens Park Display House, Bellahouston Walled Garden, Fossil Grove (Victoria Park), Rosshall Park, Pollok Country Park, Kings Park Walled Garden, Springburn Park Rockery, Tollcross Park Rose Trials.Per Wedding84.15
Full Plot - Rental Per Year 61.60
Full Plot - Concession Rate Per Year 42.80
Half Plot - Rental Per Year 30.80
Half Plot - Concession Rate Per Year 23.60


(1) Bookings for wedding party photography must be paid in advance and will cover formal access to the facility together with any necessary supervision. 

Cemeteries and Cremations

Inc VAT where
appropriate £
CEMETERIESPurchase of exclusive right of burial (Lair)Each1511.00
 Purchase of exclusive right of Ashes burial (Ashes only Lair)Each697.00
 Purchase of a Family Lair (2 infant/baby coffins then up to 6 Ashes Caskets - Cardonald Cemetery)Each842.00
 Duplicate or Transfer of Lair CertificateEach38.00
INTERMENTS Adult (18 years and over)Each1125.00
 Under 18 yearsEachNo Charge
 Double intermentEach563.00
 - 2nd and subsequent coffins 
 Vault or Crypt IntermentEach*P.O.A.
 Interment of cremated remains  331.00
OTHER CHARGESFeasibility Study/Certificate as required for an ExhumationEachP.O.A
 Memorial PermitEach77.00
 Out of Hours SurchargeEach120.00
 Search of recordsEach81.50
 Admin chargeEach28.00
CREMATIONS18 years and over Each849.00
 Direct CremationEach389.00
 Under 18 years EachNo Charge
 Double cremationEach425.00
- 2nd and subsequent coffin 
MEMORIAL SERVICE Single Memorial service Each184.00
(Chapel service only)Double Memorial service Each277.50
OTHER FEESDisposal of cremated remains from other crematoriaEach95.00
 Wooden Grave LinerEach255.00
 Strip Foundation C/W Permit Each



(1) Effective from 8th April 2024

* P.O.A. = Price on Application.


Bereavement Memorials

Inc VAT where
appropriate £
 - Digitised 2 line entry with access swipe-cardEach125.00
 - Digitised 5 line entry with access swipe-cardEach160.00
 - Digitised 5 line entry, crest & access swipe-card Each189.00
 - Digitised 8 line entry with access swipe-cardEach254.00
 - Digitised 8 line entry, crest & access swipe-card Each283.00
 Each additional personalised memorial pagesEach42.00
 (maximum of four per digital memorial entry)  
 Each additional access swipe-cardEach19.00
 Bespoke memorial artwork - subject to separate charging 125.00
MEMORIAL- 2 line entryEach38.00
CARDS- 5 line entryEach48.00
 - 5 line entry plus crestEach126.00
 - 8 line entryEach75.00
 - 8 line entry plus crestEach133.00
CREMATED REMAINS NICHEAbove ground chamber for cremated remains  
 -  20 year lease (incl. 80 letter inscribed plaque)Each1803.00
 Renewal of leaseEach50% of the current fee
 Each additional letterEach4.30
 Added Photo plaque / Portraiture Each130.00
 Added Ornamentation / Motif Each101.00
 Bespoke designs - subject to separate charging  
Additional Memorial leaf - 5 year leaseEach119.00
CommemorativeRemember Me' Star - 5 year leaseEach119.00
ITEMSReplacement Sanctum PlaqueEach153.00
 Octagonal Planter - Grey Granite - 5 year lease Each470.00
 Additional Portraiture / Motif Each74.00
 Wall/Cloister Plaque  - 5 year lease Each490.00
 Replacement Octagonal Planter Plaque Each225.00
 Renewal of 5 year leaseEach245.00
MultimediaMusic for Cremation Services -   
 Visual Tribute - PictorialEach62.00
 Visual Tribute - Pictorial and MusicEach97.00
 Recording of a Cremation ServiceEach51.00
 Webcast  - Live viewingEach51.00
 Webcast - Live Viewing  + available online for 28 daysEach62.00
 Webcast - Live Viewing  + DVD or Blu-rayEach97.00
MEMORIAL BENCHESMetal Memorial BenchEach2000.00


 (1) Effective from 8th April 2024
* P.O.A. = Price on Application.


EVENTSDESCRIPTIONUnit/Ticket Price2024/25 
Inc VAT where appropriate £
ENVIRONMENTALFrom 1st April 2019 an Environmental Levy has been introduced.  This will apply to all events in parks to support the maintenance of the parks infrastructure so they can continue to hold events for future years. Capacity:Weekend Tickets >£100£4.50 per ticket sold
 Capacity:>20,000 £50.01 - £100£2.50 per ticket sold
  Capacity:10,000-19,999 £25.01- £50£2.00 per ticket sold
  Capacity:5,000-9,999 £15.01 - £25£0.75 per ticket sold
  Capacity:500-4,999 <£15£0.50 per ticket sold
  Capacity:<500No Charge
  Community/Charity Events (No Commerciality)No Charge
EVENTS IN GEORGE SQUARE, PRECINCTS AND PARKS {4}&(5)Please be advised that should a second booking request be received by the Service for a date/time of an existing commercial booking, a 50% non-refundable deposit will be sought from the applicant holding the original booking to confirm said booking.  Alternatively confirmation will be sought that the dates can be released.  
 Events with 10,000 spectators/audience or more (1)Daily Rate£1.68 per head capacity
 Events with 2,000 spectators/audience or more (1)Daily Rate£1.12 per head capacity
 Events less than 2,000 spectators/audience (1)  
 Daily RateAll1,639.00
 4 hours or lessAll819.00
 George Square Daily Rate2,226.00
 George Square 4 hours or less1,113.00
 Build/ Derig days for Big EventsAllSet by Management
 Pedestrian Precincts/Parks Commercial/Promotional Use  
 - Daily rateAll1,640.00
 - 4 hours or lessAll820.00
 Commercial Events on CarriagewaysAllP.O.A
 Fun Fairs in Parks/Precincts (4)  
 (per operational day) (2)All410.00
 Circus (4)  
 (per operational day) (2)All878.00
EVENTS IN GEORGE SQUARE, PRECINCTS AND PARKS Cont {4}&{5}Wedding Ceremonies in Parks (ceremony only no reception)  
 -Up to 90 minutes & a maximum of 30 guestsAll269.00
 -Additional time or guests P.O.A
 Hire of Park for Outdoor Fitness Sessions  (per 1 hour session per week)  
 6 monthsAll67.50
 Section 11 Order - Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003  
 Restrict access to Park for 6 days or moreAll1978.00
 Restrict access less than 6 daysAll268.00
 Repeat restriction of under 6 days accessAll135.00
 Cancellation of Let  
 3-4 weeks notice = 25% of hire cost  
 2-3 weeks notice = 50% of hire cost  
 1-2 weeks notice = 75% of hire cost  
 Less than 1 week's notice = 100% of hire cost  



(1) This is a minimum charge and higher charges may be set by management depending on the type of event, crowd capacity, entry fees. The minimum charge is £1.10 per head of capacity            
(2) This is a minimum charge and management, according on the type of event, may set higher charges. as a guideline, for major events this will be set as £1.65            
(3) It will be necessary to take cognisance of the requirements of the 'Film Charter of the City of Glasgow' when determining the rates and the costs to be charged to filmmakers using Neighbourhoods. Regeneration and Sustainability venues and facilities. The 'Film Charter of the City of Glasgow' is published by the Glasgow Film Office.            
(4) A minimum bond deposit of £2000 will require to be lodged with the Council to cover any damages and reinstatement costs incurred. A higher charge may be applied depending on the type of event.  PTU for Filming will incur VAT.            
(5) Building, Pedestrian Precinct and Park Hire PTUs for filming purposes will be charged VAT at 20%     



Events Filming and Services

EVENTSDESCRIPTIONUnit/Ticket Price2024/25 
Inc VAT where
appropriate £
Filming, Services   
FILMING (3) and (5)Commercial TV, Photography, Drama  
 - Daily rateAll1294.00
 - 4 hours or lessAll645.00
FILMING Cont.  Documentary  
(3) and (5)- Daily rateAll394.00
 - 4 hours or lessAll198.50
 Educational Use, Children, Non-Commercial Promotional Events, News ItemsAllNo Charge
 Temporary NoticesFrom633.00
 Temporary Traffic Regulation OrdersFrom2950.00
 Processing of each application  
 plus cost of advertising  
 Suspension of Parking BaysALLPOA
SERVICES (4)Electricity supply  
 - connection fee and first dayAll67.50
 - daily rate there afterAll33.55
 Water supply  
 - connection fee and first dayAll67.50
 - daily rate there afterAll33.55
ADVERTISINGAdvertising Banner: attachment to Park railings. All 26.10
BANNERS(Charge per week)  
BANNERS / XMAS DECORATIONS Erection of Banners / Christmas DecorationsPer Item1,050.00

(1) This is a minimum charge and higher charges may be set by management depending on the type of event, crowd capacity, entry fees. The minimum charge is £1.10 per head of capacity            
(2) This is a minimum charge and management, according on the type of event, may set higher charges. as a guideline, for major events this will be set as £1.65            
(3) It will be necessary to take cognisance of the requirements of the 'Film Charter of the City of Glasgow' when determining the rates and the costs to be charged to filmmakers using Neighbourhoods. Regeneration and Sustainability venues and facilities. The 'Film Charter of the City of Glasgow' is published by the Glasgow Film Office.            
(4) A minimum bond deposit of £2000 will require to be lodged with the Council to cover any damages and reinstatement costs incurred. A higher charge may be applied depending on the type of event.  PTU for Filming will incur VAT.            
(5) Building, Pedestrian Precinct and Park Hire PTUs for filming purposes will be charged VAT at 20%            

On Road Parking


Inc VAT where
appropriate £

City Centre Inner Zone £1.60 for 15mins
 2 hour max stay
Garnethill£1.60 for 15mins
 2 hour max stay
Drumry Road East £1 for 15 mins
 30 min max stay
Hillhead £1 for 15 mins. 
 3 hour max stay
Kelvingrove £1 for 15 mins. 
 2 hour max stay
Park Circus Long stay bays £1 for 15 mins (up to 3 hours)
 £1 for 4 mins thereafter
 10 hour max stay
All other areas £1 for 15 mins. 
 3 hour max stay
City Centre Inner Zone - Annual328.00
City Centre Inner Zone - Quarterly85.00
City Centre Outer Zone - Annual196.00
City Centre Outer  Zone - Quarterly51.00
Garnethill - Annual85.00
Garnethill - Quarterly23.75
Hillhead - Annual85.00
Hillhead - Quarterly23.75
All other zones - Annual98.00
(where applicable) 
(where applicable) 
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notices (for up to 21 days)528.00
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (for more than 21 days)2460.00
Standard Charge100.00
Discounted charge when paid within 14 days50.00
After the issue of a Charge Certificate150.00
Vehicle Uplift Charge Car190.00
Vehicle Uplift Charge Other Depending on weight  
Vehicle Storage Charge (per day)25.00



(1) If full payment of the Penalty Charge Notice has not been received within 14 days of receipt of the Charge Certificate, relevant debt recovery procedures will be used to

(2) If paying by RingGo, a 20p convenience will be added

Off Street Car Parks

Off Street Car Parks       



Mulitstory Car Parks

 CadoganCambridgeCharing XConcertDukeDundasSECC
0-1 Hour£3.50£3.50£3.50£3.50£2.50£2.50£6.00
1-2 Hours£7.00£7.00£7.00£7.00£5.00£5.00£12.00
2-3 Hours£10.50£10.50£10.50£10.50£7.50£7.50£12.00
3-4 Hours£14.00£14.00£14.00£14.00£10.00£10.00£12.00
4-5 Hours£17.50£17.50£17.50£17.50£12.50£12.50£12.00
5-6 Hours£21.00£21.00£21.00£21.00£15.00£15.00£12.00
6-7 Hours£24.50£24.50£24.50£24.50£17.50£17.50£12.00
7-8 Hours£28.00£28.00£28.00£28.00£20.00£20.00£12.00
8-9 Hours£30.00£30.00£30.00£30.00£22.50£22.50£12.00
9-10 Hours£32.00£32.00£32.00£32.00£25.00£25.00£12.00
Up to 12 Hours      £12.00
Up to 24 Hours      £24.00

Pay and Display Car Parks

 BurnsideBunhouseCathedralDunlopGlasgow XKelvingroveLilybank
0-1 Hour£2.20£3.00£3.00£3.00£3.00£3.00£3.00
1-2 Hours£4.40£5.00£5.00£6.00£5.00£5.00£6.00
2-3 Hours£6.60£7.50£7.50£9.00£7.50£7.50£9.00
3-4 Hours£8.80£10.00£10.00£10.00£10.00£10.00£11.00
4-5 Hours£11.00£10.00£12.00£12.00£12.00£10.00£14.00
5-6 Hours£13.20£10.00£14.00£15.00£14.00£10.00£17.00
6-7 Hours£15.00£10.00£15.00£15.00£15.00£10.00£17.00
7-8 Hours£15.00£10.00£15.00£15.00£15.00£10.00£17.00
8-9 Hours£15.00£10.00£15.00£15.00£15.00£10.00£17.00
9-10 Hours£15.00£10.00£15.00£15.00£15.00£10.00£17.00
Up to 12 Hours   £15.00   
13 Hours       
Up to 24 Hours   £20.00   
O/Night£4.00£3.00£5.00 £5.00£3.00£5.00

Pay and Display Car Parks




Anderston Centre

0-1 Hour£4.00£3.00£1.00    
1-2 Hours£7.00£5.00£2.00    
2-3 Hours£7.00£7.50£3.00    
3-4 Hours£9.00£10.00£6.00    
4-5 Hours£9.00£10.00£7.00    
5-6 Hours£9.00£10.00£8.00    
6-7 Hours£9.00£10.00£9.00    
7-8 Hours£9.00£10.00£10.00    
8-9 Hours£9.00£10.00£11.00    
9-10 Hours£9.00£10.00£12.00    
Up to 12 Hours£9.00      
13 Hours£9.00      
Up to 24 Hours       
O/Night £3.00£1.50    
Sunday  £1.50    


Note: If paying by RingGo, a 20p convenience will be added.

Bus Lanes

Bus Lane Charge Notice 2024/25  Inc VAT where
appropriate £
Bus Lane Charge Notice discounted (paid within 14 days)£50
Bus Lane Charge Notice£100
Bus Lane Charge Certificate £150


Electric Vehicle Charging


Inc VAT where
appropriate £

TariffsCharging Units  
 Rapid Charging Unit - All locations (Max Stay 90 minutes)per kWh0.70
Standard Charging Unit  
  - On Street City Centre (Max Stay 2 hours between 8am - 8pm)per kWh0.40
  - On-Street Rest of City (Max Stay 3 hours between 8am - 8pm)per kWh0.40
  - Off Street Car Park (Max Stay 12 hours)per kWh0.40
 Connection Feeper session1.00
 Overstay Charge  
 Standard overstay charge (applied at all chargers after maximum stay)per session40.00


(1) Tariff was introduced 11th April 2023. Current rate is applicable from 1 March 2024        
(2) Further details at and        
(3) All enquiries to be directed to Charge Place Scotland         

Low Emission Zone

LEZ Penalty Charges

From 1 June 2023, if a non-compliant vehicle is detected in Glasgow's LEZ, a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will be issued to the registered keeper of that vehicle.
A maximum of one PCN will be issued to the vehicle's registered keeper for breaching LEZ rules in any one day.
Set at national level by the Scottish Government for consistency across cities, the initial penalty charge for all non-compliant vehicles entering a LEZ in Scotland will be £60.
 A scheme surcharge however means that the penalty charge amount will double with each subsequent breach of the rules by the same vehicle detected in the same LEZ.
Surcharging will only start however after the first PCN (issued at the initial base tier of £60) can be expected to have been received by the vehicle's registered keeper.  
Penalty charge rates are capped at £480 for cars and light goods vehicles, and £960 for buses and HGVs.  Any further breaches of LEZ rules by the same vehicle detected in the same LEZ once this cap is reached will result in future PCNs issued at the capped penalty charge rate.

Where there are no further breaches of the rules detected within the 90 days following a previous violation, the penalty rate will be reset to the base tier charge of £60.

All PCNs will be reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days.

(1) Charges applicable from 1st June 2023    

(2) All revenue (above that incurred in running the LEZ scheme itself) can only be used for activities that help reduce air pollution and/or contribute toward achieving our climate change targets    

Road Traffic Charges

Inc VAT where appropriate £
PUBLICATIONS (1)Roads Development Guidelines (Posted) Requests for information will be considered under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 or the Environmental Information Regulations (Scotland) Act 2004. Fees apply to requests for information governed by the Environmental Information Regulation (Scotland) Act 2004. You will be advised if the Council considers that these regulations apply to your request and advised of the level of any fee. All current and historical records held by the Council are managed in accordance with the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011.
 Roads Development Guidelines (Collected) 
 Footways Design Guide 
 Streetscape Design Guide 
TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENQUIRIES (1)For any single request for information relating to traffic signals 
 Extra sets of linked traffic signals 
 For status of signals at a particular time and date 
 Transyt data each link per time period 
HISTORICBasic manual/automatic - per count 
TRAFFIC DATA (1)Additional items 
 Data from TRANSYT - per time period / junction 
PARAMICS MODELSee Note (3) below 
CLYDE TUNNELInitial Call Out Cost:Per Vehicle56.60
ATTENDANCECost per half hour thereafter:Per Vehicle56.60
CHARGE (1)   
USE OF LAND (1)  1,041.00
HIRE OF TOW TRUCK Per Half Day352.00
PROPERTY ENQUIRIES (1)Requests for Property EnquiriesPer Enquiry97.00
USE OF COLUMNS (1)Structural assessment of column for attachment of signs.Per sign30.10
 For temporary authorised signsUp to 3 months30.10
 For temporary authorised signs3-6 months48.20
ACCESS TO CONTROLLED AREASFor each visit to facilitate vehicular access or egressWithin working hours165.00
 Out-with working hours212.00
STOPPING UP OF ROADSSee Note (2) below.Per stopping-up1,847.00


(1) A 10 % Administration costs surcharge will be added to accounts charged to external bodies/persons/agencies, etc. This        
surcharge is 10% of the total cost pre VAT  (if VAT is applicable).          

(2) Ref 'Stopping-up of Roads'. Applicant may be required to cover costs of physically stopping-up a road, a part of the road or the diversion, termination or other suitable means of protecting public utility services, and any other expenses arising from stopping-up costs associated with a Public Local Enquiry.      

(3) Three time periods - P1 07:00 - 10:00.  P2 12:00 - 15:00.  P3 16:00 - 19:00.         

Traffic Regulation Orders

Inc VAT where appropriate £
TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS (TROs')(1)Charge will be based on Salaries and on-costs.
ACCIDENT DAMAGE (1) (repairs to roads, footpaths, etc)Charge should be based on the payment to contractor and materials, etc.
UTILITY FAILURE REINSTATEMENT (1)Charge should be based on the payment to contractor and materials, etc. 
TRUNK ROAD WORK Quarterly charge claimed in advance (HCP7) and includes all costs, i.e. contractors, materials, etc. Salaries plus on-costs fully recovered.
INSPECTIONS (1) For inspections related to applications and consents, charges will be based on salaries and on-costs.
AIP AUDITS AND TRAFFIC COUNTS (1)Charges will be based on salaries and on-costs.
ADOPTION OF ROADS (1)Various charges - dependent on size and condition of road.
ROADS AND LIGHTING FAULTS (1)Charge to other authorities based on actual number of reported faults and number of inspections carried out.
TRAFFCOM (1) Charge to other authorities based on work carried out by TRAFFCOM on their behalf.
CONSULTANCY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (1)Quarterly charge claimed in advance (HCP7) and includes all costs, i.e. contractors, materials, etc. Salaries plus on-costs fully recovered.
FLOODLIGHTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY (1)Varies according to actual electricity used.
CARRIAGEWAY CROSSING/DROPPED KERBS/APPROVAL, LICENCE AND INSPECTION ONLY (1)                                 A fixed rate of £469 will apply for GCC to carry out an inspection on works completed by an external contractor.
ROAD BOND CONSTRUCTION COSTS (1)Currently under review
CHARGES TO DEVELOPERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION CONSENTS (1)For monitoring and inspection works carried out, charges will be based on salaries and on-costs.
ELECTRICITY AT WORK REGULATIONS: PERMIT TO WORK (1)Basic cost of £355.00 chargeable for electrical isolation. Additional works subject to cost based charges.
TRAFFIC CONING (1) (Events/Works etc.)Charges vary according to individual projects, i.e. staff costs incurred during setting-out/collection of traffic cones etc.


(1) A 10 % Administration costs surcharge will be added to accounts charged to external bodies/persons/agencies, etc.            
This surcharge is 10% of the total cost pre VAT  (if VAT is applicable).              

Road Permits


Inc VAT where appropriate £

SKIP PERMITCity Centre (1)  
  First weekNon Refundable88.00
  Each additional week or part week applied for at time of first applicationNon Refundable47.00
 All areas outside City Centre (1)  
  First weekNon Refundable52.70
  Each additional week or part week applied for at time of first applicationNon Refundable35.20
OCCUPATION  First monthNon Refundable656.00
PERMITS Each additional month or part month applied for at time of first applicationNon Refundable334.00
 All areas outside City Centre (1)  
  First monthNon Refundable334.00
  Each additional month or part month applied for at time of first applicationNon Refundable176.00
SCAFFOLDAll areas  
APPLICATION First monthNon Refundable334.00
FOR PERMIT Each additional month or part month applied for at time of first applicationNon Refundable176.00
ROAD OPENINGCity Centre (1)  
PERMIT First week of openingNon Refundable739.00
  Each additional week or part week thereafterNon Refundable311.00
 All areas outside City Centre (1)  
  First week of openingNon Refundable387.00
  Each additional week or part week thereafterNon Refundable165.00
CRANE PERMITBuilding Operations  
 (Includes access platforms and concrete pumps)  
  Per day for first 7 daysNon Refundable176.00
  Each additional week or part weekNon Refundable176.00
ENFORCEMENTRoads (Scotland) Act 1984 Section 85 and 86. Skips deposited on a road without prior permission and/or not in compliance with the conditions of the permission of Glasgow City Council will be subject to a fixed penalty notice. 136.50
 Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 Section 58.  Any person who deposits building materials, a cabin or a container, erects scaffolding or hoarding, or sets up a crane or cherry picker without the permission of Glasgow City Council will be subject to a fixed penalty notice. 136.50
TEMPORARY NOTICESRoad works (For periods of up to 5 days)From528.00
NOTICES (4)Safety NoticesFrom1,288.00
TEMPORARY TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS (4)Processing of each application plus cost of advertisingFrom2,460.00
APPLICATION FOR STREET CAFÉFor any request to process application  
 Renewable annually City Centre - Cost (£/m²)Per m265.00
 Renewable annually Major Town Centre - Cost (£/m²)Per m233.00
 Renewable annually Neighbourhood (All other areas) - Cost (£/m²)Per m217.00
APPLICATION TO PLACE A STRUCTUREFor any request to process applicationSingle use77.00
ON A FOOTWAY Renewable annually  
SWITCH OFF / BAGGING TRAFFIC SIGNALSSwitch off on a Weekday 549.00
 Switch off on a Weekday evening 678.00
 Switch off on a Saturday 691.00
 Switch off on a Sunday and Public Holidays 792.00
 Switch off on a Weekday evening 394.00
 Switch off on a Saturday 414.00
 Switch off on a Sunday and Public Holidays 452.00
BAGGING OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS / PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGCharge for contractors abortive visit to be notified within 30 minutes of scheduled attendance or arrival time on site 484.00
 Hourly rate for waiting time (after 15 minutes) of requested switch off / on time 117.00
 Weekday evening 375.00
 Saturday 394.00
 Sunday and Public Holidays 427.00



(1) The City Centre is the area bounded by the M8 motorway, the river Clyde and the east kerbline of Saltmarket, High St and Castle St. In the event that clarification is needed about a particular aspect of Roads and Traffic charges, this may be sought by contacting Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability Permits Reception on telephone number 0141 287 5918.        
(2) For permission to install any advertising on a scaffold, contact must be made with Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainabililty  Permits Reception to discuss requirements. Telephone number 0141 287 5918.         
(3) No VAT        
(4) For Filming TTRO's please refer to our Events page        

Taxi / Private Hire Test Facility

Inc VAT where appropriate £
Type of Inspection  
Annual 58.00
Intermediate 58.00
Grant 58.00
Substitute 58.00
Police  58.00
Retests 39.00
Meter Seal 14.50
Annual / MOT 84.50
Intermediate MOT 84.50
Grant MOT 84.50
Substitute MOT 84.50
Public Class 4 MOT # 66.00
Public Class 7 MOT # 70.00
Police Part Test 39.00
Vehicle Assessment 58.00
Vehicle Assessment Conversion 364.00
Emission check only 18.00


# = DVSA Recommendations# = DVSA Recommendations 

Pre Planning Applications Major


Fee (Including VAT)

Service Provided
Pre-Application Discussion                            
Major and National                                  

All applications*

* Where a proposal is of such scale that it would lead to an exceptional draw upon resources, a bespoke arrangement can be discussed.


Site visit (as required)

Up to 4 meetings with case officer and if required Team Manager and internal consultants in attendance.
Confirmation of additional information to support pre-application discussion. 
Outcome report issued 4 weeks from last meeting or otherwise agreed, including the following information:
summary of key issues

indication of overall acceptability of proposal

policy appraisal
internal consultation feedback with relevant teams
outline of developer contribution approach / requirements
list of supporting information required with planning application.
A processing agreement will be encouraged. This will include an agreement on pre-submission information to get application validated

Additional meetings as required and agreed between case officer and application will be charged at £600

Pre Planning Applications Local

ActivityFee (Including VAT) Service Provided
Pre-Application Discussion                            
Local Applications
Householder£120Outcome report within 4 weeks of validation.
summary of key issues
indication of overall acceptability of proposal
policy appraisal
Residential 1 - 10 units£180 
Non-residential Development/Floor space under 1,000 sq m£180 
Residential 11 - 49 units£1,200Site visit (where required)
One meeting with case officer and any internal consultees deemed appropriate by the Planning Authority.
Outcome report issued within 4 weeks of last meeting including:
summary of key issues
indication of overall acceptability
policy appraisal
internal consultation with relevant teams (where relevant)
outline of developer contribution approach/requirements (where relevant)
Non-residential Development between 1,000 sq m - 5,000 sq m£1,200list of supporting information required with planning application.
Class 4, 5 and 6 (Business/General Industry/Storage and Distributions between 5,000 - 10,000 sq m£1,800 
Telecommunications Development (inc masts, building antenna, cabinets) Telecommunications 

£180 (single sites) or £600

(multiple sites, up to 5)

Single Sites
Site visit (where required)
Outcome Report issued within 4 weeks of validation including:
summary of key issues
indication of overall acceptability
internal consultation with relevant teams (where relevant)

 Multiple Sites
1 meeting* with case officer, team manager and other internal consultees as required by case officer.
Outcome report issued 4 weeks from meeting or otherwise agreed including the following information:
summary of key issues
indication of overall acceptability
internal consultation with relevant teams (where relevant)

*This meeting can include up to 10 potential sites. Additional sites beyond the 5 will be charged at £120 per site. The meeting will be held on Teams and will, where required, include discussion/agreement on alternative siting. Therefore it is useful if you provide details of your search area with your original submission

Advertisements (including signage, hoardings, street advertising units)

£180 (single sites) or £600 

(multiple sites, up to 5)

Single Sites
Site visit (where required)
Outcome report issued within 4 weeks of validation including:
summary of key issues
indication of overall acceptability
internal consultation with relevant teams (where relevant)

Multiple Sites
1 meeting* with case officer, team manager and other internal consultees as required by case officer.
Outcome report issued 4 weeks from meeting or otherwise agreed including the following information:
summary of key issues
indication of overall acceptability
internal consultation with relevant teams (where relevant)

* This meeting can include up to 10 potential sites. Additional sites beyond the 5 will be charged at £120 per site. The meeting will be held on Teams and will, where required, include discussion/agreement on alternative siting.


Additional meetings as required and agreed between case officer and application will be charged at £600 

Planning Applications


ActivityFee (Including VAT) 
Discharge of Conditions£100
Retrospective Applications -  Regulation 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 202225%
Reduced Fee Applications -  Regulation 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022Please refer to regulations for criteria



Planning fees are set by the Scottish Government. The relevant legislation is The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications)(Scotland) Regulations 2022. Further guidance is available in Scottish Government Planning Circular 2/2022.  

Commercial Services

GCC's Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability has vast experience in providing cleansing and waste services to businesses throughout Glasgow    

At Commercial Services, we are committed to providing a high quality competitive service to our commercial customers.      

Our sales team are dedicated with vast knowledge of the challenges businesses may face when setting up waste collection service for their premises.    

We will tailor a waste plan  appropriate to your requirements for your business and offer guidance of waste presentation for your area.

What We Do    

We provide a number of high quality commercial services to businesses and the public.  These include:    

  •  Commercial Waste Collection and Disposal for all waste streams of general waste, dry mixed recycling, food and glass in line with current legislation    
  • Skip Hire available to commercial customers on a short or long term basis    
  • Events: cleansing services including all waste management, short term hire of bins, sweeping services, litter picks    

For commercial waste collection and recycling and skip hire enquiries:      

Contact 0141 287 4221/5232/5233 during office hours, Monday to Friday or email    

To purchase trade waste sacks:     

Contact 0141 287 9797 or email      

For all other information relating to commercial waste visit our webpage.  
Commercial Services    
Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability    
727 London Road    
G40 3AG    

Refuse Collection and Disposal

Exc VAT where appropriate £

Inc VAT where appropriate £

Domestic Bulk Standard Itemsper hour5.005.00
Collection Large Electrical (WEEE) 30 minutes5.005.00
 Special Bulk Collection 80.0080.00
Commercial Bulk Collection Standardper hour157.00157.00
Collection andDisposal Standardper tonne183.00183.00
(WUDS) Weighbridge FeeCollection Charge Standard30 minutes78.5078.50
 Min Disposal Charge Standard750kg137.25137.25
 Disposal of waste containing Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) per tonne290.18290.18
 Disposal of waste containing Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) - Min Disposal Charge750kg217.63217.63
Refuse Disposal andDisposal of waste (Landfill)per tonne183.00183.00
Weighbridge FeeMin disposal charge (Landfill)750kg137.25137.25
 Disposal of waste containing Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) per tonne290.18290.18
 Disposal of waste containing Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) - Min Disposal Charge750kg217.63217.63
 Collection of fridges Per Hour157.00157.00
 Disposal of fridges per unit87.0087.00
 Disposal - weighbridge closedper load183.00183.00
 Landfill demolition wasteper load*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 Landfill inert wasteper load*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 Landfill TaxPer tonne103.70103.70
 Landfill Tax Inert WastePer tonne3.303.30
Commercial Uplifts  - General Waste Sacks per 100*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
waste sacksGeneral Waste Sacks (Charities)per 100*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 Clear sacks for Dry Mixed Recycling per 100*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 General Waste and DMR Clear Sacks 50/50*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 General and DMR Clear Sacks (Charities)50/50*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 Lilac sacks (Internal only)per 100*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 Delivery chargePer order*P.O.A.*P.O.A.
Contract Reinstatement FeeContract Re-instatement *P.O.A.*P.O.A.
 To purchase trade sacks please contact trade or call 0141 287 5918   
Commercial Uplifts - Bins    
General Waste BinsTo discuss your commercial waste requirements please contact   
Dry Mixed Recycling   
Food Recycling Bins0141 287 4221 or visit    
Glass Recycling Binsor visit   
Sale of Bins etc (1) Wheeled Bin 140 litre (colour options)each55.7066.84
Special rates may be available for volume salesWheeled Bin 240 litre (colour options)each57.8069.36
 Wheeled Bin 360 litreeach142.50171.00
 Wheeled Bin 660 litreeach379.00454.80
 Wheeled Bin 660 litre Lid onlyeach67.5081.00
 Wheeled Bin 660 litre Lid & Fiteach126.00151.20
 Wheeled Bin 1100 litreeach490.00588.00
 Wheeled bin 1100 litre Lid onlyeach67.5081.00
 Wheeled bin 1100 litre Lid & Fiteach135.00162.00
 Wheeled Bin 1100 litre Lid kit onlyeach12.0014.40
 Wheeled Bin 1280 litreeach496.00595.20
 Wheeled bin 1280 litre Lid onlyeach67.5081.00
 Wheeled bin 1280 litre Lid & Fiteach135.00162.00
 Wheeled bin 1280 litre Lid kit onlyeach12.0014.40
 Wheeled bin anchorseach117.00140.40
 Bin (with lid) 820 Litreeach441.00529.20
 Chamberlain - 940 Litreeach405.00486.00
 Grey Food Waste Container - 500 litreeach483.00579.60
 Metal Bin Lids 3 1/4 Under 5each10.5012.60
 Metal Bin Lids 3 1/4 Over 5each6.557.86
 Bin 3 1/2 cu.ft plus lideach65.0078.00
 Bin Labour Costseach20.1024.12
 Bin Wheeleach8.209.84
 Bin locks each11.1513.38
Public Realm binsPole mounted bineach*P.O.A*P.O.A
 Free Standing Litter Bin each*P.O.A*P.O.A
Refuse PermitsBrown Bin PermitAnnual£50£50
Skip Hire   Rate per tonne (landfill) £183Rate per tonne (landfill) £183
   Rate per tonne (inert) £82.6Rate per tonne (inert) £80.15
   to be added to rates belowto be added to rates below
 8 cu yard Delivery/Collection 97.5097.50
 14 cu yard Delivery/CollectionCollection per skip97.5097.50
 20 cu yard Delivery/Collection113.50113.50
 35 cu yard Delivery/Collection157.50157.50
 40 cu yard Delivery/Collection 159.50159.50
 50 cu yard Delivery/Collection 162.00162.00
 8 cu yard ExchangeExchange per skip60.0060.00
 14 cu yard Exchange60.0060.00
 20 cu yard Exchange73.5073.50
 35 cu yard Exchange 112.50112.50
 40 cu yard Exchange 102.00102.00
 50 cu yard Exchange 104.00104.00
 8 cu yard Weekly HireWeekly Hire per Skip28.4028.40
 14 cu yard Weekly Hire28.4028.40
 20 cu yard Weekly Hire33.9033.90
 35 cu yard Weekly Hire 51.0051.00
 40 cu yard Weekly Hire 51.0051.00
 50 cu yard Weekly Hire 51.0051.00


(1) Sale of bins to domestic customers and customers with service contracts do not incur vat    
(2) Prices may vary depending on the type of bin lid required.      
(3) Please note an Annual Duty of Care charge may apply.    
 *P.O.A. = Price on Application    

Environmental Protection and Public Health

Inc VAT where appropriate £
Public Weighbridge Less than 4 tonnesper weighing7.45
Charges4-14 tonnesper weighing9.90
 14-20 tonnesper weighing12.45
 Greater than 20 tonnesper weighing14.30
 Duplicate ticketsper ticket4.00
Environmental Health - GeneralStreet Trader's Inspection and Certificate (Certificate of Compliance)per inspection and certificate112.00
 Street Trader's Re-inspection following previous failureper re-inspection53.50
 Street Trader's Admin Fee for Duplicate Certificate and re-issueper certificate31.00
 Export Certificateper load113.00
 Export Certificate Cancellation Charge per charge37.00
 Export Support Attestationper charge107.00
 Cert of Suitability for Food Hygieneper certificate221.00
 Repatriation of human remainsper certificate149.00
 New Immigration Letter (or copy after 1 year of previous letter)per letter145.00
 Copy of Immigration letter (within 1 year of previous letter)per letter37.00
 Food Business Registration Procedure Letterper letter178.00
 Public Health Admin Charge (£33.00 or 15% dependant on works)per charge37.00
Pest ControlWasp nest removal each111.00
 Rats/Mice (Commercial)per hour69.00
 Same day serviceper hour30.00
EnhancementVibration Monitoringper hour40.00
 Vehicle Emission Testing Service Charge (based on 1 x technical officer)per day355.00
 Special VET rates e.g. Argyll & Buteper day587.00
 (based on 1 x tech officer, equipment, van, fuel)  


Inc VAT where appropriate £
Ship Inspection Charge (1)Up to 1000 tonnes per weighing 135.00
 1001 - 3000 tonnes per weighing 185.00
 3001 - 10000 tonnesper weighing 270.00
 10001 - 20000 tonnesper weighing 355.00
 20001 - 30000 tonnesper weighing 450.00
 Over 30000 tonnesper weighing 520.00
 Vessels with capacity to carry 50 - 1000 persons per capacity520.00
 Vessels with capacity to carry more than 1000 personsper capacity890.00
 Extension to Ship Sanitation Certificates per request105.00
Liquid SamplesRoutine chemcial water sample from ship (During inspection)Per Inspection122.00
 Routine chemical water sample from ship (Request for sample only)Per Request271.50
 Routine microbiological water sample from ship (During inspection)Per Inspection49.50
 Routine microbiological water sample from ship (Request for sample only)Per Request199.00
 Legionella water sample from ship (During inspection)Per Inspection123.00
 Legionella water sample from ship (Request for sample only)Per Request274.00


Trading Standards Weights and Measures Act 1985

Inc VAT where appropriate £
Special weighing and measuring equipmentVisits during office hoursper hour106.00
 Visits carried out partly or entirely outwith office hours50% surcharge 
WeightsWeights over 5kg or under 500mgeach11.60
 Other weightseach9.00
MeasuresLinear measures under 3m or for each scale 13.15
 Capacity Measures without divisions Under 1 litreeach10.00
 Cubic Ballast Measureseach231.00
 Liquid Capacity Measures for checking average quantity packageseach37.00
 Templates - first itemeach63.50
                  - additional itemseach24.50
Weighing Instruments Non-NAWINot exceeding 1 tonneeach84.00
 1 tonne to 10 tonneseach135.50
 Exceeding 10 tonneseach280.00
Weighing Instruments NAWINot exceeding 1 tonneeach139.00
 1 tonne to 10 tonneseach214.00
 Exceeding 10 tonnes When testing instruments incorporating remote each467.00
 display or printing facilities, and where completion of the test requires a second person or a second series of tests by the same person,
an additional fee may be charged
50% surcharge 
Measuring Instruments for Intoxicating LiquorNot exceeding 150mleach22.60
Measuring Instruments for Liquid Fuel or LubricantsContainer type, unsubdivided Single/multi-outlets (nozzles)each96.50
 First nozzle tested, per site 157.00
 Each additional nozzle tested 96.50
 Testing of peripheral electronic equipment on a separate visit per site105.50
 Testing of credit card acceptor (per unit, regardless of number of slots/nozzles/pumps) 105.50
Road Tanker Fuel Measuring Equipment (Above 100 litres)Meter Measuring Systems -   
 Wet-hose type, with two testing liquids 332.00
 Wet-hose type, with three testing liquids 389.00
 Dry-hose type, with two testing liquids 369.00
 Dry-hose type, with three testing liquids 426.00
 Wet/Dry-hose type with two testing liquids 518.00
 Wet/Dry-hose type with three testing liquids 555.00
 Dipstick Measuring Systems -   
 Up to 7,600 litre (for calibration of each compartment and production of chart) 228.00
 For any compartment over 7,600 litre basic fee plus additional cost at the rate of:-per officer hour105.50
 Initial dipstick 26.50
 Spare dipstick 26.50
 Replacement dipstick (including examination of compartment) 58.00
Calibration CertificateA certificate of accuracy of any test setting out the traceability of calibration to UK national standards 53.50
Adjustment ServiceThe fee to be paid for the adjustment of any weight or measure in the course of a service provided pursuant to
Section 74 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1985, shall be charged at the appropriate hourly rate of the officer
carrying out the adjustment.


(1) When testing instruments incorporating remote display or printing facilities, and where completion of the test requires a second series of tests by the same person, an additional fee may be based upon the basic fee given above plus 50%.    
(2) When supplying specialist equipment (including but not limited to weighbridge test vehicle, van and test weights etc) an additional fee may be charged hourly, daily or per appointment, according to circumstances.    
(3) Multiple Submissions/Assistance Where a large number of items of equipment are submitted on the same occasion, or assistance is provided by the person requiring the test, the Executive Director shall have the discretion to authorise that the charge for testing be assessed in accordance with either the scale of fees or on an hourly basis according to the time spent at the place of submission of the equipment.    
(4) Fees for Work Outwith Normal Working Hours Visits carried out partly or entirely outside of normal office hours may incur a surcharge of 50% on the standard fee or on the standard hourly rate per officer hour.     

Trading Standards

The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) Regulations 2021 (2021/33)                     
Schedule 7 fees payable under the Explosives Regulations 2014 and the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014                    
Part 2  fees for applications for licences, or variations to, or transfer of,  licences, to store explosives made to licensing authorities                    
which are licensing authorities by virtue of paragraphs 1(a) of schedule 1 to the Explosives Regulations 2014

Provision of the Explosives Regulations
2014 under which application made
Purpose of application  Fee 
Regulation 13Licence to store explosives: minimum separation distance > 0m  
 (a) one year's duration  £202 
 (b) two years' duration  £266 
 (c) three years' duration  £333 
 (d) four years' duration  £409 
 (e) five years' duration  £463 
 Renewal of licence: minimum separation distance > 0m   
 (a) one year's duration  £94 
 (b) two years' duration  £161 
 (c) three years' duration  £226 
 (d) four years' duration  £291 
 (e) five years' duration  £357 
 Licence: no minimum separation distance    
 (a) one year's duration  £119 
 (b) two years' duration  £154 
 (c) three years' duration  £190 
 (d) four years' duration  £226 
 (e) five years' duration  £260 
 Renewal of licence: no minimum separation distance   
 (a) one year's duration  £59 
 (b) two years' duration  £94 
 (c) three years' duration  £132 
 (d) four years' duration  £166 
 (e) five years' duration  £202 
Regulation 16Varying a licence:    
 (a) varying name of licensee or address of site £40 
 (b) any other kind of variation The reasonable cost to the licensing authority of having the work carried out
Regulation 17Transfer of licence  £40 
 Replacement of licence  £40 
The fee payable for a licence or renewal of a licence—    
(a) of less than one year's duration is, respectively, the fee set out above for a licence or a renewal of a licence or registration, of one year's duration
decreased proportionately according to the duration of the period for which the licence renewal is granted;  
(b) of more than one but less than two years' duration is, respectively, the fee set out above for a licence or a renewal of a licence, of one year's
duration increased proportionately according to the duration of the period for which the licence or a renewal is granted; 
(c) of more than two but less than three years' duration is, respectively, the fee set above for a licence or renewal of a licence of two years
duration  increased proportionately according to the duration of the period for which the licence or renewal is granted; 
(d) of more than three but less than four years' duration is, respectively, the fee set above for a licence or renewal of a licence of three years
duration increased proportionately according to the duration of the period for which the licence or renewal is granted; 
(e) of more than four but less than five years' duration is, respectively, the fee set above for a licence or renewal of a licence or registration of four years
duration increased proportionately according to the duration of the period for which the licence or renewal is granted. 

Part 5  fee payable in respect of applications for the granting of storage certificates and petrol licences

12  3 
Provision of the Petroleum 
(Consolidation) Regulations 2014
under which a fee is payable
Purpose of application  Fee 
Regulation 6Storage certificate, premises to be used to store   
 petrol of a quantity-    
 not exceeding 2500 litres  £48 for each year of certificate
 exceeding 2500 litres but not exceeding 50000 litres £65 for each year of certificate
 exceeding 50000 litres  £137 for each year of certificate
Regulation 14Licence to keep petrol of a quantity-    
 not exceeding 2500 litres  £48 for each year of certificate
 exceeding 2500 litres but not exceeding 50000 litres £65 for each year of certificate
 exceeding 50000 litres  £137 for each year of certificate


Calibration and Test Centre

Inc VAT where appropriate £
General Work per hour119.50
Minimum Charge  58.00
Linear Measures (Tape Measures)Tolerance to Class II (up to 20m)each62.50
 Stated Values (up to 20m)each62.50
 Dipping Tapes (up to 20m)each83.00
Linear Measures (Engineer Rules)Single sided (up to 2m)each83.00
 Double sided (up to 2m)each105.00
Torque Tools (1.13Nm to 1350Nm)1 to 2 scaleseach62.50
 3 to 4 scaleseach105.00
 Above 4 scaleseach125.00
Pressure Gauges (Hydraulic)Up to 1200 bar/16,000 psieach83.50
Air Line GaugesMaximum 130 psieach62.50
Capacity MeasuresGlass - Single Point (up to 2 litres)each41.50
 3 Points (up to 2 litres)each72.50
 Metal - single point (up to 20 litres)each62.50
 Additional graduations (2 points)each21.00
Capacity Measures - UKAS (Glass)Class B - Single Pointeach245.00
 Additional Pointseach84.00
 Class A - Single Pointeach277.00
 Additional Pointseach126.00
Capacity Measures - UKAS (METAL)Single Point (Up to 20 litres)each248.00
 Additional Pointseach84.00
Proving Tanks40 litreseach496.00
 60 litreseach744.00
 100 litreseach1239.00
Weights - M1 & M2 TolUp to 25kgeach21.00
Weights - Higher TolUp to 25kgeach31.50
Weights - UKAS M1 & M2Up to 25kgeach31.20
 E2 Up to 500geach83.00
 Adjustment (per weight)each16.55
 Imperial conversioneach57.50
Weighing Machines/Forces GaugesUp to 20 kg x 0.1geach62.50
 Up to 20 kg x 0.0001geach83.00
 Up to 20 kg x 0.000001geach104.50
 Up to 100 kgeach83.00
 up to 250 kgeach124.50
 Up to 500 kgeach165.50
 Over 500kgeachPOA
Electrical SafetyGeneral Safetyeach119.50


Inc VAT where appropriate £
ThermometersLiquid in Glass - 30 to +250 (5 points)each145.00
 Digital - 30 to +250 (5 points)1 Probe125.00
  2 Probes145.00
  3 Probes166.00
  4 Probes186.00
  5 Probes208.00
  6 Probes228.50
  7 Probes248.00
  8 Probes270.00
  9 Probes290.00
  10 Probes308.00
 Digital - 30 to +600 (5 Points)1 Probe166.00
  2 Probes186.00
  3 Probes208.00
  4 Probes227.50
  5 Probes248.00
  6 Probes270.00
  7 Probes290.00
  8 Probes308.00
  9 Probes330.00
  10 Probes349.00
 Additional pointseach20.80
 Local Authorities (5 points)1 Probe99.00
 (-30, -18, 0, +63, +82)2 Probes118.00
  3 Probes139.00
  4 Probes158.00
 Additional pointseach20.15
 Test Capseach20.80
Temperature Ovens  193.00
 Additional pointseach26.50


Community Safety and Regulatory Services

Community Safety and Regulatory ServicesDESCRIPTIONUNIT2024/25 
Inc VAT where appropriate £
Security ChargesKeyholding Charge  46.00
 Surplus properties keyholding 12.25
 Mobile Patrols 20.50
 Incident response - first hour 60.50
 Incident response - each hour thereafter 30.30
 Static Guard 30.30
 Open / Close (per action) 20.50
 Security Surveys (charged at hourly rate minimum 4 hours) 121.00
Alarm Monitoring CostsPrice on Application POA
From ASB RSL charges and rates Gold silver etc  
 Platinum Service 20.15
 Gold Service 13.40
 Silver Service 10.30
 Bronze Service 7.15
Safer City CentreBest bar none entry fees 48.00
 Best bar none conference fees 48.00
Enforcement ServicesLittering Fine 80
 Dog Fouling Fine 80 increasing to 100 after 28 days

* P.O.A. = Price on Application.     

Ashgill Recreation Centre and Maryhill Hub

Community Resources SectionDESCRIPTIONUNIT2024/25 
Inc VAT where appropriate
Maryhill Hub   
Annual Community Gym Membership (Jan 2020 - Dec 2020)Price of annual gym membership for the Maryhill HubPer year32.00
Meeting Room - Community UseBooking by community groups / organsations of one of our many meeting rooms within the Maryhill Hub Per hour13.00
Meeting Room - Non Community UseBooking by non community groups / organsations of one of our many meeting rooms within the Maryhill HubPer hour17.00
Children's Birthday Party Option 1: SILVER PACKAGE:  Hall Hire Only 92.00
Children's Birthday Party Option 2: GOLD PACKAGE: Hall Hire and Use of Bouncy Castle 113.00
Children's Birthday Party Option 3: PLATINUM PACKAGE: Hall Hire, Use of Bouncy Castle and Sound System 138.00
Community Gym - Pay as you goPay as you go access to the Maryhill Hub gymPer session3.00
Community Gym - Half year membershipFrom 1st July - December, gym membership is £14 for a half year membership 16.00
Booking of full centreExclusive use of full centre for events P.O.A
Ashgill Recreation Centre   
Annual Community Gym Membership (Jan 2020 - Dec 2020)Price of annual gym membership for the Ashgill Recreation CentrePer year32.00
Main Hall Use - CommunityCommunity use of the full main hallPer hour24.00
Main Hall Use - Non CommunityNon Community bookings of the main hallPer year30.00
Badminton / Table TennisPer Court/TablePer session8.00
Bubble FootballUnder 18'sPer hour57.50
 Over 18'sPer hour66.50
Children's Birthday Party Option 1: SILVER PACKAGE: 2 hours hall hire, soft play and use of music system:  102.00
Children's Birthday Party Option 2: GOLD PACKAGE: 2 hours hall hire, Soft Play, Bouncy Castle and Music System  148.00
Conference Room - Community UseBooking of the Ashgill Conference Room for community groups / organsationsPer hour12.00
Conference Room - Non Community UseBooking of the Ashgill Hub Conference Room for non community usePer hour17.00
Community Gym - Pay as you goPay as you go access to the Ashgill gymPer session3.00
Community Gym - Half year membershipFrom 1st July - December, gym membership is £14 for a half year membership 16.00
Booking of full centreExclusive use of full centre for events P.O.A


* P.O.A. = Price on Application.     

Schedule of Road Construction Costs for Estimating Amount of Road Bond


Price (£) per Lm of road

Carriageway  (flexible)     Stage Construction
Full Construction (Stages 1,2 and 3)536480.00448.00295.00 Stage 1:  Construction up to and including sub-base, allowing for removal of up to 100mm unsuitable material and replacement with imported fill.
Stages 2 and 3 only404361.00295.00208.00 Stage 2:  Construction from sub-base upwards including kerbs but excluding wearing course.
Stage 3 only10988.0088.0065.00 Stage 3:  Wearing course only. 
Shared Surface (Block paving)  547.00383.00 Includes for removal of up to 50mm unsuitable material and replacement with imported fill.
Soft Verge (grassed)    21.50 
      Footway and Footpath prices include for removal of up to 50mm unsuitable material and replacement with imported fill. Increased widths to be calculated pro-rata.
Footway (flexible)    88.00Includes provision of heel kerb (1No.)
Footpath (flexible)    120.00Includes provision of edge kerbs (2 No)
Drainage     Manhole depths not exceeding 1.5m
Gullies at 20m crs174174.00174.00174.00 Includes for manhole at 80 m centres
Gullies at 40m crs120120.00120.00122.00 Includes for manhole at 120 m centres
Turning 'T'Residential Dimensions 5355  
(flexible)Residential Dimensions 5891  
(Block Paving)      
Turning 'O' (flexible)Residential Dimensions 17254  
(Block Paving)Residential Dimensions 20456  


(i) These figures already include an allowance for inflation over a three-year period (the minimum duration of a construction consent).                        
(ii) The costs are based on Neighbourhoods and Sustainability doing all the work.  To compensate for undertaking completeion of work initiated by other parties, the following procedure should be adopted:-                        
(a)        Add 25% where the estimated cost is less than £10,000;                        
(b)        Add 15% where the estimated cost is between £10,000 and £25,000;                        
(c)        Add 10% where the estimated cost is between £25,000 and £50,000.                        
(iii) Where the bond has to cover items such as major structures, or substantial amounts of excavation or fill, full details should be sent to NRS  who will undertake estimation.                        

Glasgow City Council Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability will (if necessary) apply a charge for what is considered to be the works involved, over and above the charge that it is our statutory obligation to incur, in the processing of this Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, Section 21, Construction Consent application. Chapter 2.6 of the Council's Roads Development Guide outlines the requirements for an acceptable submission for a Construction Consent application, and those complying with this will not incur a charge. As notified within the above named publication, charges will also be made for site inspections, materials testing and any temporary regulation order following commencement of work on site. All of the above will be based on staff hourly rates with the actual cost incurred being the sum charged.      

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