Glasgow's No Wrong Door Network
Glasgow is a great city, but poverty and its associated impacts continue to harm too many of our citizens. This is morally unacceptable and we must work together to tackle, prevent and ultimately eradicate poverty. Such an ambitious goal requires a radical redesign of how organisations in the city work with the people they serve and with other organisations.
The city's public, third and housing sector partners have committed to tackling child poverty as the key priority in Glasgow, through person-centred and place-based approaches. To lead the way on this ambition, a multi-agency Child Poverty Pathfinder has been established, working in partnership with the Scottish Government and the city's Community Planning structures and plans.
No Wrong Door is the network of service providers and organisations that contributes to the Pathfinder. It promotes and develops tools for holistic working and case management to provide a person-centred approach. It will reshape how organisations in the city work together, ensuring that citizens can access support seamlessly from multiple organisations. Over 130 organisations have already joined the No Wrong Door Network and are contributing to the collective creation of a connected support system and delivery framework. No Wrong Door partners are helping to develop the model, leveraging data for better connections and focusing on early intervention and prevention.
Signing up to the No Wrong Door network commits your organisation or service to:
- work with other organisations and services in the network to meet the needs of citizens, including by data-sharing, undertaking enhanced case management and developing and using person-centred holistic support tools;
- engage with the development of innovative practice change activity to inform future service design and provision;
- contribute to the development of the No Wrong Door Model and building a framework to support the model;
- keeping your information about open services up-to-date on Glasgow; and
- engaging with No Wrong Door events and working parties as resources allow.
The Child Poverty Pathfinder will support this work by facilitating:
- regular communications across the No Wrong Door Network, including invitations to events and meetings;
- engagement with the development of Glasgow's Child Poverty Pathfinder; and
- enhanced awareness of the variety of services and supports across the city;
If you are interested in becoming a No Wrong Door partner, please complete and return the form below. Be aware that we may use your organisation's name and logo on No Wrong Door promotional materials to indicate your support, and that you have the necessary permission for this.
To join the No Wrong Door Network please complete the online form below.